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Mid-session Outlook(03-05-2013)

As more than 4 hours trading between 5993-6017 with intraday charts selling patterns formations yesterday therefore Short Term Correction was told and it was seen also and sharp fall was also seen immediately after Credit Policy.

As soon as up moves were perceived then we immediately covered our shorting positions and sold NIFTY-May PE(5900) at 70/- which traded at 54/- within 15 minutes. 

As we always talk with those proofs which no one can deny therefore SMS picture is being produced which was sent to paid clients:-
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Following covering message(SMS) was sent at 11:06:01 AM today:-

NIFTY-May PE(5900)-Positional Bought on 03-05-2013-Cover immediately-CMP-70(Lalit39)

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1- Firstly click on above SMS picture and enlarge it.
2- Save picture on yours desktop.
3- Open and again enlarge the picture in Windows Picture Viewer.

Only 2 following information are deleted in above Picture due to official secrecy rules:-

1- Numbers of sent SMS.
2- SMS sending Website name.

Short Term correction was expected and it is being seen but Indian markets are out performing despite trading in Red since opening today.  As good selling below 6017 yesterday therefore fresh consolidation is required for rally continuation above 6017.and firstly sustaining beyond yesterday selling range(5993-6017) should be firstly watched for today started correction continuation/completion confirmations.