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 This is the "Oldest & Only Website" of whole World
which is updating Nifty & Indian Stock Markets
"Daily and Weekly accurate Outlooks" 
with "Intraday Charts Analysis"for the 
last more than "14 years" means from "2010"
For its live Proofs just see "Archive"
in the "bottom of this Website".

Trading "calls" from our "Software" with more than "90% accuracy"

Finally sustaining beyond 21965-22676 will generate one sided bigger moves & confirm the life & length of on going "ABC" correction
Technical Analysis,Research & Weekly
 Outlook(Mar 17 to Mar 21,2025)
Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Waves structure)
Nifty-EOD Chart (13-Mar-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Corrective Wave-C of previous Waves structure "ABC correction" completion at 15183.40 on 17-06-2022 and Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure beginning.
2- Impulsive Wave-1 completion at 18887.60 on 01-12-2022.
3- Corrective Wave-2 completion at 16828.30 on 20-03-2023.
4- Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-3 completion at 20222.45 on 15-09-2023 and Wave-A of "ABC" correction beginning.
5- Wave-A of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 19333.60 on 04-10-2023.
6- Wave-B of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 19849.80 on 17-10-2023.  
7- Wave-C of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 18837.80 on 26-10-2023 and impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 beginning. 
8- Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 completion with new life time top formations at 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 of "ABC" correction beginning.
9- Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completion at 23263.20 on 21-11-2024.
10- Corrective Wave-B of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completion at 24857.80 on 05-12-2024.
11- Corrective Wave-C of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 continuation with recent bottom formations at 21964.60 on 04-03-2025.
12- Pull Back Rally continuation with recent top formations at 22676.60 on 10-03-2025.
13 Last 13 Sessions sideways trading between 21965-22676 

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Waves structure)

Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure started from 15183.40 on 17-06-2022  after corrective Wave-C of "ABC correction" of previous waves structure completion at this level. Impulsive Wave-1 begun from this level which completed at 18887.60 on 01-12-2022 and from this level corrective Wave-2 started which completed at 16828.30 on 20-03-2023.

Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-3 begun from this level which completed at 20222.40 on 15-09-2023 and from this level corrective Wave-A of "ABC" correction of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 started which completed at 19333.60 on 04-10-2023. Wave-B begun from this level which completed at 19849.80 on 17-10-2023 and Wave-C started which completed at 18837.80 on 26-10-2023. Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 begun from this level which completed with new life time top formations at 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 started from this level. 

Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completed at 23263.20 on 21-11-2024 and Wave-B of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 begun from this levels which completed at 24792.30 on 13-12-2024 and from this levels corrective Wave-C of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 started which is now in continuation with recent bottom formations at 21964.60 on 04-03-2025 and no confirmation of its completion yet on EOD charts.

Although Pull Back Rally begun from the lowest of on going correction which is now in continuation with recent top formations at 22676.60 on 10-03-2025 but last 13 Sessions sideways trading is also being seen between 21965-22676 therefore firstly sustaining beyond this range should also be watched in the coming week/weeks for the life and length of on going "ABC correction" of corrective Wave-(iv) of Wave-3.

Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)
Nifty-EOD Chart (13-Mar-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Stochastic- %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling from Over Over bought zone.
2- Stochastic:- %K(5)- 48.52 & %D(3)- 62.89.
3- In MACD- MACD line has intersected Average line upward and its both lines are rising in negative zone.
4- MACD(26,12)- -315.25 & EXP(9)- -459.06 & Divergence- 143.81

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)

Technical positions of Short Term indicators are as follows:-

1- As in Short Term indicator Stochastic its %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling from Over bought zone therefore it will be understood that this indicator is showing signals of downward moves possibility in the coming week.
2- As in MACD indicator its MACD line has intersected Average line upward and its both lines are rising in negative zone therefore it will be understood that this indicator is signalling Short Term upward trend formations and resultant upward moves beginning possibility also.
Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
Nifty-EOD Chart (13-Mar-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts


1- 5-Day SMA is today at 22475(Very Short Term Trend decider) 
2- 21-Day SMA is today at 22608(Short Term Trend decider)
3- 55-Day SMA is today at 23112(Intermediate Term Trend decider)
4- 100-Day SMA is today at 23592
5- 200-Day SMA is today at 24059(Long Term Trend decider)

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis

As Nifty has closed below all the SMAs last Thursday therefore it will be understood that all the Trends are down and 3 SMAs are in downward direction mode also hence it is confirm that on going "ABC" correction of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 is in full force. 

Nifty-Last 13 Sessions
intraday charts analysis
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (Feb 24 to Mar 13,2025):-
Technical Patterns formation in last 13 Sessions intraday charts

1- Selling(Resistances) in last 13 Sessions are as follows:-
A- 22529-22552 
B- 22557-22656 
2- Consolidation(Supports) in last 13 Sessions are as follows:-
A- 22307-22375 
B- 22239-22271 
C- 21987-22142(Strong supports)
3- Last 13 Sessions sideways trading between 21965-22676 

Conclusions from 13 Sessions
intra day chart analysis 

52 Points(22668-22720) gap down opening on 24-02-2025 and after that last 13 sessions sideways trading was with above mentioned supports and resistances and these both are almost equally stronger also therefore Nifty will firstly trade between 21965-22676 and prepare for next bigger decisive moves/Trend within this range. 

As this last 13 Sessions sideways trading is at the bottom of that on going that "ABC correction" which begun from 26277.30 on 27-09-2025 and now its Wave-C is in continuation with recent bottom formations at 21964.60 on 04-03-2025 therefore finally:-

1- Sustaining above this range(22676) will generate first signal of on going "ABC" correction completion at 21964.60 on 04-03-2025.
2- Sustaining below this range(21965) will mean on going "ABC correction" continuation which may be deeper also after more than 13 sessions trading range breaking down confirmations.

Conclusions (After putting
all studies together)

1- Long Term Trend is down.
2- Intermediate Term Trend is down.
3- Short Term Trend is down.

Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 completed  at 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and from this level corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 of "ABC" correction started. Now its corrective Wave-C is in continuation with  recent bottom formations at 21964.60 on 04-03-2025 and no confirmation of its completion yet on EOD charts.

Averages are confirming that all the Trends are down. Although Short Term indicator Stochastic is indicating downward moves possibility but another Short Term indicator MACD is showing signals of Upward Trend formations also therefore possibility of fresh Upward moves beginning after some down moves can not be ruled out.

Pull Back Rally started from the lowest of on going "ABC" correction which is now in continuation with recent top formations at 22676.60 on 10-03-2025 and it is within last 13 Sessions sideways trading range also. As finally sustaining beyond last 13 sessions trading range(21965-22676) will generate one sided biggher decisive moves and confirm the life & length of on going corrective Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 also therefore it should be firstly watched in the coming week/weeks for next Trend formations and above mentioned next bigger moves beginning confirmations.
Finally sustaining beyond 22330-22522 will confirm next one sided decisive moves beginning 
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & Market
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (12-Mar-2025):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- 124 Points fall in first 15 minutes after positive opening.
2- Most time trading with mixed Patterns formation between 22330-22490
3- Whole day trading between 22330-22577

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although firstly upward moves after positive opening but coculd not sustain at higher levels because Mixed Patterns formation were seen between 22427-22522 yesterday and complete intraday consolidation was required for sustaining above 22522. 

As most time trading was with mixed Patterns formation between 22330-22490 therefore firstly Nifty will trade and prepare for next decisive moves within and near about 22330-22522 as well as finally sustaining beyond this range will confirm next one sided decisive moves beginning which should be watched in the coming sessions for its confirmations
 Finally sustaining beyond 2427-22522 will confirm next decisive moves beginning
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis &
Market Outlook(13-03-2025)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (12-Mar-2025):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Up moves with downward corrections in first 2 hours
2- Last more than 4 hours upward moves with Mixed Patterns formation between 22427-22522 
3- Whole day actual trading between 22315-22522

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although firstly downward moves after 115 points gap down opening but got supports within yesterday mentioned 1st supports range(22305-22347) at 22314.70 and after that upward moves started as well as Nifty closed near the top of the day after recovering more than 180 points from intraday lower levels. 

First 2 hours Up moves were with downward corrections which is a consolidation pattern but  last more than 4 hours upward moves with Mixed Patterns formation between 22427-22522 therefore expected that Nifty will firstly trade and prepare for next decisive moves within this range as well as finally sustaining beyond this range will confirm:- 

1- Decisive upward moves beginning confirmations towards next resistances(22591-22676) after sustaining above 22522.
2- Decisive downward mmoves beginninng confirmations towards next supports(22305-22347) after sustaining below 22427.
Downward moves expectations
towards next supports
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis &
Market Outlook(11-03-2025)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (10-Mar-2025):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Up ward moves after negative opening
1- More than 3 hours selling between 22591-22676
3- Sharp fall in last hour
4- Whole day actual trading between 22420-22676

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although firstly upward moves after negative opening and Nifty recovered 154 points also but higher levels more than 3 hours selling was seen therefore sharp fall developed in last hour and Nifty closed 92 points down today. As only intraday selling patterns formations therefore downward moves are expected towards following next supports. Firstly sustaining beyond following supports should be watched one by one for next intraday decisive moves beginning confirmations:-

1- 22305-22347
2- 22224-22260
All Trends are down & sustaining
 beyond Crucial levels/resistances
 will confirm the life & length of
 on going Pull Back Rally
Technical Analysis,Research & Weekly
Outlook(Mar 10 to Mar 14,2025)
Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Waves structure)
Nifty-EOD Chart (07-Mar-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts
1- Corrective Wave-C of "ABC" correction of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 18837.80 on 26-10-2023 and impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 beginning. 
2- Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 completion with new life time top formations at 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 of "ABC" correction beginning.
3- Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completion at 23263.20 on 21-11-2024.
4- Wave-A corrected 3014.1 points
5- Corrective Wave-B of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completion at 24857.80 on 05-12-2024.
6- Corrective Wave-C of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 continuation with recent bottom formations at 21964.60 on 04-03-2025.
7- Wave-C corrected 2893.2 points
8- Pull Back Rally continuation with recent top formations at 22633.80 on 07-03-2025.

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Waves structure)

Corrective Wave-C of "ABC" correction of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completed at 18837.80 on 26-10-2023 and from this level and from this level impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 started which completed with new life time top formations at 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and from this level corrective Wave-A of "ABC" correction of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 begun. 

Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completed at 23263.20 on 21-11-2024 and Wave-B of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 started from this levels which completed at 24857.80 on 05-12-2024 and from this levels corrective Wave-C of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 begun which is now in continuation with recent bottom formations at 21964.60 on 04-03-2025 and no confirmation of its completion yet on EOD charts. Pull Back Rally started from this level which is now continuation with recent top formations at 22633.80 on 07-03-2025 and no confirmation of its completion also.

Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)
Nifty-EOD Chart (07-Mar-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Stochastic- %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line upward and its both lines are rising towards Over bought zone.
2- Stochastic:- %K(5)- 81.11 & %D(3)- 56.58.
3- In MACD- MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in negative zone.
4- MACD(26,12)- -511.98 & EXP(9)- -418.71 & Divergence- -93.27

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)

Technical positions of Short Term indicators are as follows:-

1- As in Short Term indicator Stochastic its %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line upward and its both lines are rising towards Over bought zone and have not turned Overbought also therefore it will be understood that this indicator is showing signals of some more upward moves possibility.
2- As in MACD indicator its MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in negative zone therefore it will be understood that this indicator is confirming downward trend formations and resultant on going downward moves continuation possibility also.

Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
Nifty-EOD Chart (07-Mar-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts


1- 5-Day SMA is today at 22327 
2- 21-Day SMA is today at 22789
3- 55-Day SMA is today at 23203
4- 100-Day SMA is today at 23687
5- 200-Day SMA is today at 24068

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis (Averages)

As some recovery from the lower levels of on going correction was seen in last 4 sessions of previous week and Nifty has moved above 5-Day SMA but still below all the other higher Averages therefore its is clear that at present only Very Short Term Trend has moved up and all the other Trends are still down.

Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (07-Mar-2025):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Volatility in first 3 hours after negative opening
2- Selling between 22644-22702
3- Whole day actual trading between 22465-22633

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although firstly downward moves after negative opening but after that sharp upward were seen and again sharp down from intraday higher levels therefore in this manner only intraday volatility developed in first 3 hours last Friday. As some selling was seen in last 3 hours therefore only first signal of some downward moves will be considered at this moment. As whole day trading was not completely one sided patterns formations therefore expected that Nifty will firstly prepare for next decisive moves within and near about last Friday trading range and finally sustaining it beyond will confirm next decisive moves beginning hence finally sustaining beyond last Friday trading range should be watched in the coming week for next decisive moves beginning confirmations.

Conclusions (After putting
all studies together)

1- Long Term Trend is down.
2- Intermediate Term trend is down.
3- Short Term Trend is down.

"ABC" correction which started through its corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 from 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 after impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 completion at this level is now in continuation through its Wave-C with recent bottom formations at 21964.60 on 04-03-2025 and no confirmation of its completion yet on EOD charts. Pull Back Rally which begun from the bottom of on going "ABC" correction is also in continuation with recent top formations at 22633.80 on 07-03-2025 and no confirmation of it also on EOD and intraday charts. 

Averages are suggesting that only Very Short Term Trend has moved up and all the other Trends are still down and lot of confirmations are required for on going "ABC" correction completion and impulsive Wave-(v) of Wave-3 formations. Until Nifty will not sustain above Long Term Trend decider 200-Day SMA(today at 24068) till then on going correction completion and trend reversal will not get confirmations. Although now on going like Pull Back Rallies are a part of correction and may always be seen during on going correction but this Pull Back Rally started after almost 100% correction completion by Wave-C(corrected 2893.2 points) of Wave-A(corrected 3014.1 points) therefore if it sustain above following Crucial levels then on going correction completion signals will start to generate one by one:- 

1- 50.0% Crucial Retracement Level of Wave-A- 22,557.50  
2- Intermediate Term trend decider 55-Day SMA(today at 23203)
3- 38.2% Crucial Retracement Level of Wave-A- 23,435.40
4- Long Term Trend is down decider 200-Day SMA(today at 24068)

Although Short Term indicator MACD is confirming downward trend formations and on going downward moves continuation possibility but another Short Term indicator Stochastic is suggesting some more upward moves possibility therefore firstly following resistances should be watched in the coming week/weeks for the life and length of on going Pull back Rally:-

1- 22667-22705
2- 22894-22923
3- 23020-23085
4- 23178-23235
5- 23284-23348
6- 23577-23681
7- 23745-23807

As no confirmation of on going correction completion therefore if fresh downward moves starts then following next supports should also be watched one by one for next Very Short Term moves beginning:- 

1- 22305-22347
2- 22224-22260
3- 22055-22106
4- 21884-22191
5- 21502-21582
6- 21417-21500

As all the Trends are down therefore firstly watch sustaining beyond above mentioned Crucial levels and resistances for the life and length confirmations of on going Pull Back Rally.
Finally sustaining beyond 22451-22556
 will confirm on going relief rally continuation/completion
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & 
Market Outlook(07-03-2025)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (06-03-2025):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1-Sharp falls
2-Up moves with downward corrections
3-Up moves in Bearish Rising Channel
4-Whole day actual trading between 22246-22556

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although gap up opening but could not sustain in resistance range(22451-22508) and fallen sharply in first half hour. Firstly Up moves were in Bearish Rising Channel but after that 4 hours Up moves were in Bearish Rising Channel therefore firstly fresh consolidation is required for next upward moves beginning. If fresh selling develops then it will mean that last 2 sessions relief rally  termination and on going correction continuation.

As finally sustaining beyond 22451-22556 will confirm on going relief rally continuation/completion therefore sustaining beyond this range should be watched for next intraday decisive moves beginning.
Sustaining above 22394 will 
confirm strong rally towards 
next resistances
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis &
Market Outlook(06-03-2025)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (05-Mar-2025):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Up moves with downward corrections after negative opening.
2- More than last 3 hours sideways trading between 22297-22394
3- Whole day actual trading between 22068-22394

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although firstly down moves after negative opening but upwards moves started with downward corrections which remained continued more than 3 hours therefore Nifty recovered 226 points from lower levels. As more than last 3 hours sideways trading between 22297-22394 therefore expected that Nifty will firstly trade within and near about this trading range in the coming session and once sustaining above 22394 will mean strong rally beginning confirmations towards next resistances between 22451-22508

As Tariff war erupted Globally after Trump coming into power therefore high volatility is being seen in Indian and all the Global markets hence levels should also be watched for next decisive moves beginning confirmations
Watch levels for next intraday
 decisive moves during
 Global markets high volatility
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis &
Market Outlook(05-03-2025)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (04-Mar-2025):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- 154 points down in first 3 minutes after 26 points gap down opening 
2- More than 5 hours trading between 22038-22105
3- Whole day actual trading between 21965-22105

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

As US markets closed in deep Red one day before therefore firstly down ward moves were seen after 26 points gap down opening and Nifty traded 154 points negative also in first 3 minutes but recovery started from lower levels and Nifty recovered 140 points also in the next 2 hours. More than 5 hours trading between 22038-22105 therefore firstly sustaining beyond this range should be watched tomorrow because US Markets and most Global markets are highly volatile now a days and Indian markets also reacts on Global markets sentiments therefore finally sustaining beyond 22038-22105 should be watched in the coming session for next intraday decisive moves beginning confirmations
Sustaining above 22141 will mean
 upward moves towards 22216-22297
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis &
Market Outlook(04-03-2025)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (03-Mar-2025)
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Firstly 67 Points up moves after 69 points positive opening. 
2- 242 Points sharp fall in first hour.
3- Consolidation between 22052-22063
4- Consolidation between 22100-22141
5- Whole day actual trading between 22005-22261

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although Firstly 67 Points upward moves after 69 points positive opening but could not sustain and 242 points fallen sharply in first hour. As firstly lower levels consolidation between 22052-22063 and after that follow up consolidation also between 22100-22141 after some upward moves therefore firstly sustaining beyond 22141 should be watched in the coming session because:-

1- Once sustaining above 22141 will mean upward moves towards 22216-22297
2- Finally sustaining beyond this range will confirm next Short Term more than 1.5% moves beginning.
Short Term upward moves beginning
 possibility amid forceful
 correction continuation
Technical Analysis,Research & Weekly Outlook
(Mar 03 to Mar 07,2025)
Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Waves structure)
Nifty-EOD Chart (28-Feb-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Corrective Wave-C of previous Waves structure "ABC correction" completion at 15183.40 on 17-06-2022 and Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure beginning.
2- Impulsive Wave-1 completion at 18887.60 on 01-12-2022.
3- Corrective Wave-2 completion at 16828.30 on 20-03-2023.
4- Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-3 completion at 20222.45 on 15-09-2023 and Wave-A of "ABC" correction beginning.
5- Wave-A of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 19333.60 on 04-10-2023.
6- Wave-B of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 19849.80 on 17-10-2023.  
7- Wave-C of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 18837.80 on 26-10-2023 and impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 beginning. 
8- Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 completion with new life time top formations at 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 of "ABC" correction beginning.
9- Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completion at 23263.20 on 21-11-2024.
10- Corrective Wave-B of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completion at 24857.80 on 05-12-2024.
11- Corrective Wave-C of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 continuation with recent bottom formations at 22104.60 on 28-02-2025.

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Waves structure)

Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure begun from 18887.60 on 01-12-2022 after Corrective Wave-C of "ABC correction" of previous Waves structure completion at this level and from this level corrective Wave-2 started which completed at 16828.30 on 20-03-2023 and impulsive Wave-3 begun from this level.

Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-3 completed at 20222.40 on 15-09-20235 and from this level corrective Wave-A of "ABC" correction of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 started which completed at 19333.60 on 04-10-2023. Wave-B begun from this level which completed at 19849.80 on 17-10-2023 and Wave-C started which completed at 18837.80 on 26-10-2023. Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 begun from this level which completed with new life time top formations at 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 started from this level. 

Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completed at 23263.20 on 21-11-2024 and Wave-B of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 begun from this levels which completed at 24792.30 on 13-12-2024 and from this levels corrective Wave-C of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 started which is now in continuation with recent bottom formations at 22104.60 on 28-02-2025 and no indication of its completion yet on EOD charts. 
Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)
Nifty-EOD Chart (28-Feb-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Stochastic- %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling in Over sold zone.
2- Stochastic:- %K(5)- 5.54 & %D(3)- 8.32.
3- In MACD- MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in negative zone.
4- MACD(26,12)- -385.44 & EXP(9)- -206.83 & Divergence- -178.61

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)

Technical positions of Short Term indicators are as follows:-

1- As in Short Term indicator Stochastic its %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling in Over sold zone and have turned completely Oversold also therefore it will be understood that this indicator is showing first signal of Short Term upward moves beginning. Let its both lines to move above Oversold zone after %K(5) line upward intersection of %D(3) line then Short Term Upward moves/Pull Back Rally will be seen. 
2- As in MACD indicator its MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in negative zone therefore it will be understood that this indicator is confirming downward trend formations and resultant on going downward moves continuation expectations.
Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
Nifty-EOD Chart (28-Feb-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts


1- 5-Day SMA is today at 22513 
2- 21-Day SMA is today at 23082
3- 55-Day SMA is today at 23390
4- 100-Day SMA is today at 23822 
5- 200-Day SMA is today at 24073

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis

As all the lower term SMAs are below its higher Averages and all the SMAs are in falling mode except 200-Day SMA as well as Nifty closed below all the Averages last Friday therefore it will be understood that all the Trends are now down and correction continuation in its full force.

Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (28-Feb-2025):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- 215 Points down in first hour after 75 points gap down opening
2- Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel between 22216-22297
3- Support between 22105-22149
4- Whole day actual trading between 22105-22450

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

As all the Global markets were in crashing mode last Friday therefore 215 Points downward moves were seen in first hour after 75 points gap down opening. After that firstly Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel between 22216-22297 and then lower levels support also in the last more than 2 hours therefore upward moves are expected towards 22216 in the beginning of next week. Sustaining beyond 22216-22297 should be finally watched for next Short Term moves beginning confirmations.

Conclusions (After putting
all studies together)

1- Long Term Trend is down.
2- Intermediate Term trend is down.
3- Short Term Trend is down.

Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 completed  at 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and from this level corrective Wave-A of "ABC" correction of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 started. All the Tends have turned down during this correction which is now in continuation through corrective Wave-C of Wave-(iv) with recent bottom formations at 22104.60 on 28-02-2025 after loosing 4172.7 points in the last 5 months.

All the Averages and MACD indicator are confirming downward Trend formations. As Short Term indicator Stochastic is signalling Short Term upward moves beginning possibility and last Friday intraday charts patterns are also suggesting that upward moves possibility in beginning of coming week Short Term upward moves are expected towards following next resistances in the coming week                           
1- 22451-22508(Gap resistance)
2- 22533-22556
3- 22571-22619
4- 22894-22923
5- 23020-23085
6- 23178-23235
7- 23284-23348
8- 23577-23681
9- 23745-23807

Next supports below last Friday closing are as follows:-

1- 22055-22106
2- 21884-22191
3- 21502-21582
4- 21417-21500
Watch next Supports amid crashing
 Global Markets
All the Global markets are in crashing mode today morning in following mode:-

As all the US Markets closed negative and some Indices closed more than 1.5% down yesterday and US markets Futures are also trading in Red today morning therefore sentiment has turned completely depressed and all the following Asian markets are now trading 1.25% to 3.13% down:-

1- Nikkei 225(Japan) is trading 1,198.50 Points(-3.13%) Down today morning
2- Hang Seng(Hong Kong) is trading 462.54 Points(-1.95%) Down today morning
3- Taiwan Weighted is trading 349.37 Points(-1.49%) Down today morning
4- SET(Bangkok) is trading 5.41 Points(-1.25%) Down today morning
5- KOSPI(Korea) is trading 73.88 Points(-2.82%) Down today morning

As Indian Stock Markets will also react today on Bearish Global Markets mood through negative opening therefore following next Supports below yesterday closing should be watched one for next intraday decisive moves beginning confirmations:-

1- 22444-22485
2- 22357-22403
3- 22291-22327
4- 22055-22106
Sustaining above 22617 will confirm
strong rally beginning
Technical Analysis,Research Outlook(28-02-2025)
Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
Nifty-EOD Chart (27-Feb-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 completion with new life time top formations at 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 of "ABC" correction beginning.
2- Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completion at 23263.20 on 21-11-2024.
3- Corrective Wave-B of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completion at 24857.80 on 05-12-2024.
4- Corrective Wave-C of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 continuation with recent bottom formations at 22506.40 on 27-02-2025.
5- Stochastic- %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling in Over sold zone.
6- Stochastic:- %K(5)- 07.20 & %D(3)- 14.75

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis

Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 completion with new life time top formations at 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 of "ABC" correction started. Now its corrective Wave-C of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 continuation with recent bottom formations at 22506.40 on 27-02-2025.

As in Short Term indicator Stochastic its %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling in Over sold zone and have turned completely Oversold also therefore it will be understood that this indicator is showing first signal of Short Term upward moves beginning. Let its both lines to move above Oversold zone then Short Term Upward moves/Pull Back Rally will be seen and its 100% confirmation will be after sustaining above 22617 because Nifty has traded  more than 16 hours between 22517-22617 in last 3 sessions and finally sustaining above 22617 will be 16 hours trading range break out confirmations.
Sustaining beyond 22520-22617 will
 confirm next intraday decisive
 & bigger moves beginning 
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis &
Market Outlook(27-02-2025)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (25-Feb-2025):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- More than 10 hours trading in last 2 sessions between 22520-22617

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

As more than 10 hours trading in last 2 sessions between 22520-22617 and one sided clear intraday trading patterns formations were not seen within this range therefore firstly sustaining beyond this range should be watched in the coming sessions for next intraday decisive and bigger moves beginning confirmations.
As out of station therefore unable 
to post today(25-02-2025) Outlook. 
Correction continuation & Watch supports,resistances,levels for next
 Short Term moves beginning
Technical Analysis,Research & Weekly
Outlook(Feb 24 to Feb 28,2025)
Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Waves structure)
Nifty-EOD Chart (21-Feb-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Wave-C of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 18837.80 on 26-10-2023 and impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 beginning. 
2- Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 completion with new life time top formations at 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 of "ABC" correction beginning.
3- Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completion at 23263.20 on 21-11-2024.
4- Corrective Wave-B of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completion at 24857.80 on 05-12-2024.
5- Corrective Wave-C of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 continuation with recent bottom formations at 22720.30 on 21-02-2025.

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Waves structure)

Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 started from 18837.80 on 26-10-2023 after corrective Wave-C of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at this level. Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 completed with new life time top formations at 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 begun from this level. 

Corrective Wave-A of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 completed at 23263.20 on 21-11-2024 and Wave-B of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 started from this levels which completed at 24792.30 on 13-12-2024 and from this levels corrective Wave-C of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 begun which is now in continuation with recent bottom formations at 22720.30 on 21-02-2025 and no indication of its completion yet on EOD charts. 

Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)
Nifty-EOD Chart (21-Feb-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Stochastic- %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling towards Over sold zone.
2- Stochastic:- %K(5)- 36.53 & %D(3)- 39.81.
3- MACD- In MACD its MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in negative zone.
4- MACD(26,12)- -233.74 & EXP(9)- -01.50 & Divergence- -232.24

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)

Technical positions of Short Term indicators are as follows:-

1- As in Stochastic its %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling towards Over sold zone therefore it will be understood that this indicator is signalling on going correction continuation possibility in the coming week. 
2- As in MACD indicator In MACD its MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in negative zone therefore it will be understood that this indicator is confirming Short Term downward trend formations and resultant on going correction continuation possibility in the coming week.

Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
Nifty-EOD Chart (21-Feb-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts


1- 5-Day SMA is today at 22909 
2- 21-Day SMA is today at 23197
3- 55-Day SMA is today at 23548
4- 100-Day SMA is today at 23925
5- 200-Day SMA is today at 24067

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis 

All the Trends have turned down because;-

1- Nifty has closed all the Trend deciding Averages.
2- All the lesser Term Averages are below its higher Term Averages.
3- All the Averages except 200-Day SMA are in falling mode.

Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis(Fibonacci
retracement levels)
Nifty-EOD Chart (21-Feb-2025):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1-Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 begun from 18837.80 on 26-10-2023. 
2-Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 completed at 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and corrective Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 begun.  
3-Fibonacci Retracement levels of corrective Wave-(iv) of Wave-3(18837.80-18604.50):-
13.0%- 25,310.20 
23.6%- 24,521.60 
27.0%- 24,268.60 
38.2%- 23,435.40  (Crucial Level)
50.0%- 22,557.50  (Crucial Level)
61.8%- 21,679.70  (Crucial Level)
70.7%- 21,017.60 
76.4%- 20,593.50 
78.6%- 20,429.90 
88.6%- 19,685.90 
100.0%- 18,837.85

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Fibonacci retracement levels)

Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 which started from 18837.80 and completed 26277.30 as well as from this completion level corrective Wave-A of "ABC" correction of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 started. Now its Wave-C is in  continuation with its recent bottom formations at 22720.30 on 21-02-2025 and no indication of its completion yet on EOD charts. As Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 is now correcting  according to Fibonacci retracement levels of Wave-(iii) of Wave-3  therefore these levels have been updated above which should be watched one by one for first signal of on correction continuation/completion according to sustaining beyond these levels in the coming weeks/months.

Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (21-Feb-2025):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- 200 Points sharp fall in first hour
2- More than 5 hours sideways trading between 22721-22820
3- Whole day actual trading between 22721-22921

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although firstly some upward moves after negative opening and once Nifty traded in positive zone also but Nifty fallen 200 points sharply in first hour last Friday. As more than last 5 hours trading was sideways between 22721-22820 therefore firstly sustaining beyond this range should be watched in the beginning of bext week for the next Very Short Term moves beginning confirmations.

Conclusions (After putting
all studies together)

1- Long Term Trend is down.
2- Intermediate Term trend is down.
3- Short Term Trend is down.

All the Trends have turned down during on going "ABC" correction of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 which begun from 26277.30 on 27-09-2024 and now in continuation with recent at 22720.30 on 21-02-2025 after loosing 3557 points in almost 5 months and no indication of its completion yet on EOD charts. 

As all the Trends have turned down during on going correction and no indication of its completion yet on EOD charts as well as Short Term indicators are also signalling on going corrective wave-C of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3 continuation possibility therefore following supports,resistances and levels should be watched one by one for next Short Term moves beginning in the coming weeks:-

Next Supports below last Friday closing:-

1- 22657-22703
2- 22527-22583
3- 22444-22485
4- 22357-22403
5- 22291-22327
6- 22055-22106
7- 21884-22191
8- 21502-21582
9- 21417-21500

Fibonacci Retracement Crucial levels of corrective Wave-(iv) of Wave-3(18837.80-18604.50):-

38.2%- 23,435.40  (Corrected)
50.0%- 22,557.50  (Crucial Retracement Level)
61.8%- 21,679.70  (Crucial Retracement Level)

Retracement levels of on going corrective Wave C of Wave-(iv) of Wave-3:- 

1- 21844(100% of Wave A correction)
2- 19981(161.8% of Wave A correction)

Next resistances above last Friday closing are as follows which should be watched one by one for on going correction completion/continuation confirmations:-

1- 22894-22923
2- 23020-23085
3- 23178-23235
4- 23284-23348
5- 23577-23681
6- 23745-23807
Sustaining beyond 22872-22923 will
 confirm next intraday decisive
 moves beginning
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis &
Market Outlook(21-02-2025)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (20-Feb-2025):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Volatility in first hpur after weaker opening
2- More than 5 hours sideways trading between 22872-22923
3- Whole day actual trading between 22813-22923

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Downward moves expectations towards next supports between 22760-22881 was told and Nifty got supports within this supports range.

Although volatility in first hour after 112 points weaker opening and Nifty traded whole day in negative zone also but more than 5 hours today trading was sideways between 22872-22923 as well as one sided intraday trading patterns were not seen within this range therefore firstly sustaining beyond this range should be watched in the coming session for next intraday decisive moves beginning confirmations.
Watch next supports amid Downward
 moves expectations
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis &
Market Outlook(20-02-2025)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (19-Feb-2025):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- 130 points sharp fall in first minute.
2- Sharp upward moves
3- Selling between 23020-23049
4- Sharp fall
5- Down moves with upward corrections
6- Whole day actual trading between 22815-23049

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

As negative news of tariff increase on US imports was broken out therefore Nifty traded 130 points down in first minute after weaker opening. Good intraday consolidation was seen in last 2 sessions therefore Nifty could not sustain at lower levels and moves up sharply as well as traded 104 points up also at 10:51 AM. 

Nifty could not sustain at higher levels also because fresh selling developed and after that whole day Down moves were with upward corrections therefore higher levels intraday selling patterns formations will be understood and resultant downward moves are expected towards next supports(22760-22881) and finally sustaining it beyond should be watched tomorrow for next intraday decisive moves beginning confirmations. 