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Trading "calls" from our "Software" with more than "90% accuracy"

More than "12 years" old "only site of whole world" 
with more than "9700 accurate Outlooks" of 
"Indian Stock Markets" 
Upward moves above today highest
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & 
Market Outlook(08-08-2024)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (07-Aug-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Consolidation between 24185-24269
2- Whole day actual trading between 24185-24337

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although higher levels selling but consolidation was also seen in last 3 hours through Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel yesterday therefore 296 points positive opening today. As lower levels consolidation between 24185-24269 today therefore upward moves are expected above today highest(24337) in the coming sessions.
Finally 2 immediate resistances will confirm next Very Short Term moves amid firstly upward  moves expectations
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & Market
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (06-Aug-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 24283-24379(Immediate Resistances)
2- Downward moves
3- Selling between 24173-24266(Immediate Resistances)
4- Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel in last 3 hours
5- Whole day actual trading between 23961-24382

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although 134 points positive opening but selling developed therefore downward moves were seen after one hour. As follow up selling in Mid-Session therefore again down moves developed but were in Bullish Falling Channel in last 3 hours which means consolidation pattern formations during this time therefore firstly upward moves are expected towards above mentioned immediate resistances of Nifty. Finally sustaining beyond these 2 immediate resistances should be watched in the coming sessions for next Very Short Term moves beginning confirmations.
As out of station therefore unable 
to post today(28-08-2024) Outlook. 
Firstly watch next supports for the
 life and length of expected correction
Technical Analysis,Research & Weekly 
Outlook(Aug 05 to Aug 09,2024)
Nifty-Weekly Chart Analysis
(Waves structure)
Nifty-Weekly Chart (02-Aug-2024):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in Weekly charts

1- Corrective Wave-C of previous Waves structure "ABC correction" completion at 15183.40 on 17-06-2022 and Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure beginning.
2- Impulsive Wave-1 completion at 18887.60 on 02-12-2022.
3- Corrective Wave-2 completion at 16828.30 on 24-03-2023.
4- Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-3 completion at 20222.45 on 15-09-2023. 
5- Corrective Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 18837.80 on 27-10-2023
6- Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations at 25078.30 on 01-08-2024.
7- Correction beginning with closing near weekly lowest and recent bottom formations at 24686.85 on 02-08-2024. 

Conclusions from Weekly chart
analysis(Waves structure)

Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure begun from 15183.40 on 17-06-2022 after Corrective Wave-C of "ABC correction" of previous Waves structure completion at this level. Impulsive Wave-1 completed at 18887.60 on 02-12-2022 and from this level Wave-2 started which completed at 16828.30 on 24-03-2023 and Impulsive Wave-3 begun from this level. 

Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-3 completed at 20222.45 on 15-09-2023 and from this level corrective Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 begun which completed at 18837.80 on 27-10-2023 and impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 started from this level. Although now Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 is in continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations at 25078.30 on 01-08-2024 and no indication of its completion yet on Weekly charts also but correction started in previous week and Nifty closed near weekly lowest last Friday therefore firstly completion of previos week started correction should be watched for next up moves beginning confirmations.

Nifty-Weekly Chart Analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)
Nifty-Weekly Chart (02-Aug-2024):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in Weekly charts

1- Stochastic- %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling in Over bought zone.
2- Stochastic:- %K(5)- 81.17 & %D(3)- 87.03.
3- In MACD- MACD line has intersected Average line upward and its both lines are rising in positive zone.
4- MACD(26,12)- 1096.21 & EXP(9)- 671.60 & Divergence- 424.61

Conclusions from Weekly chart
analysis (Stochastic & MACD)

Technical positions of Intermediate Term indicators are as follows:-

1- As in Stochastic %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling in Over bought zone therefore it will be understood that signals of Intermediate Term correction beginning have been generated and its continuation can not be ruled out in the coming week.
2- As in MACD indicator its MACD line has intersected Average line upward and its both lines are rising in positive zone  therefore it will be understood that MACD is confirming upward Trend formation but remain cautious also because gap between its both lines has been widened which is an indication of downward moves beginning possibility also.

Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)
Nifty-EOD Chart (02-Aug-2024):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations at 25078.30 on 01-08-2024.
2- Short Term correction continuation with recent bottom formations at 24686.85 on 02-08-2024. 
3- Stochastic- %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling towards from Over bought zone.
4- Stochastic:- %K(5)- 63.87 & %D(3)- 79.49.
5- In MACD- MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in positive zone.
6- MACD(26,12)- 197.05 & EXP(9)- 249.16 & Divergence- -52.11

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)

Technical positions of Short Term indicators are as follows:-

1- As in Stochastic its %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling from Over bought zone therefore it will be understood that signals of Short Term correction beginning have been generated and that may be seen in the coming week also.
2- As in MACD indicator its MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in positive zone therefore it will be understood that this indicator is showing signals of Short Term downward trend formations and more downward moves possibility also can not be ruled out in next week.

Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (02-Aug-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Sharp fall after 167 points gap down opening
2- Selling between 24791-24824
3- Downward moves in last hours
4- Whole day actual trading between 24687-24851

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

As firstly sharp fall after 167 points gap down opening and after that selling in Mid-session also therefore intraday correction remained continued till last hours and Nifty closed near the lower levels of the day last Friday. Only intraday selling patterns formations and consolidation patterns were not seen therefore firstly downward moves towards next supports will be seen in the beginning of coming week.

Conclusions (After putting
all studies together)

1- Long Term Trend is up.
2- Intermediate Term trend is up.
3- Short Term Trend is UP.

Although now Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 is in continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations at 25078.30 on 01-08-2024 and no indication of its completion yet on Weekly charts and EOD charts but Short Term Correction begun in previous week and Nifty closed near weekly lowest last Friday. 

As Intermediate and Short Term indicators are showing Short Term correction possibility and last Friday intrday charts are also showing selling patterns formations therefore downward moves are expected towards following next supports one by one in the coming week/weeks for the life and length of expected correction:-

1- 24629-24655
2- 24580-24605
3- 24367-24426
4- 24308-24367
5- 24142-24307
6- 24095-24140
7- 23914-23997 
8- 23671-23734
9- 23563-23612
10- 23502-23537
11- 23358-23476

Next resistances above last Friday closing are as follows. Sustaining above one by one should be watched one by one for fresh rally beginning possibility after on foing corerection completion:-

1- 24791-24824
2- 24932-24954 
3- 24974-25026
4- 25038-25067
Finally 24922-24971 will confirm
 next bigger moves amid firstly
 down moves expectations
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & 
Market Outlook(02-08-2024)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (01-Aug-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Down moves with upward corrections
2- Selling between 24974-25026
3- Whole day actual trading between 24957-25078

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although firstly up moves after gap up strong opening above 25,000 but intraday selling patterns were seen in previous sessions also therefore not sustaining at higher levels and down moves begun which remined continued more than 5 hours. As these down moves were with upward corrections which is a selling pattern and selling was seen between 24974-25026 also therefore down moves are expected towards day's lowest(24957). Finally sustaining beyond 24922-24971 should be watched for next bigger moves beginning confirmations because Nifty has traded more than 7 hours in previos 2 sessions.
 FOMC announcements led next one sided decisive moves beginning confirmations through 2 trading ranges
Nifty-Intra Day Charts Analysis & Market Outlook(01-08-2024)
Nifty-Last 3 Sessions intraday charts analysis
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (Jul 29 to Jul 31,2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in last 3 Sessions intraday charts

1- More than 3 hours trading between 24774-24891 on 29-07-2024 and 30-07-2024. 
2- More than 7 hours trading between 24922-24971 on 30-07-2024 and 31-07-2024.
3- Last 3 Sessions actual trading between 24774-24999

Conclusions from 3 Sessions
intra day chart analysis 

Although huge volatility on 29-07-2024 but Nifty traded within this range in last 2 sessions and Nifty traded within above mentioned 2 ranges more than 3 hours and more than 7 hours. As Nifty has prepared for post FOMC announcements led new decisive moves therefore Indian and Asian markets will react on it tomorrow and:-

1- Firstly sustaining beyond these 2 trading ranges should be watched for Indian markets reaction on FOMC announcements.
2- Next one sided decisive moves beginning confirmations.
Sustaining below 24774 will mean correction continuation towards next supports
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & Market 
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (30-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Minor volatility in first hour
2- Up moves
3- More than 3 hours selling between 24922-24971
4- Sharp fall in last hour
5- Whole day actual trading between 24799-24971

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although firstly up moves were seen after first hour volatility but higher levels more than 3 hours selling was seen therefore sharp fall developed in last hour because selling was seen one day before below this range between 24834-24891 and Nifty closed also within this range at 24857.30.  As selling patterns have been seen in last 2 sessions therefore down moves are expected towards last 2 sessions lowest(24774) and sustaining below it will mean Very Short Term correction continuation towards next supports between 24367-24426.
 Sustaining beyond 24774-24891
 will confirm next decisive bigger
 moves beginning
Post-open Outlook(30-07-2024)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (Between 09:15 AM to 10:15 AM) 
of 30-Aug-2024):-
Conclusions from 1st hour intra day
chart analysis
Nifty traded between 24774-24891 in last 3 hours yesterday and within this range selling was seen between 24834-24891. Although firstly Nifty slipped below 24800 after flat opening today but traded between 24799-24887 in first hour also which is within last 3 hours trading range of yesterday. Firstly sustaining beyond 24774-24891 should be watched for next decisive bigger moves beginning confirmations because Nifty is preparing within this range for those moves for the last 4 hours.
Watch next supports amid firstly 
down moves expectations
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & 
Market Outlook(30-07-2024)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (29-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel after gap up strong opening
2- Sharp up
3- Up moves in Bearish Rising Channel
4- Selling just below 25,000
4- Sharp fall
5- Selling between 24834-24891 
6- Whole day actual trading between 24774-24999

Conclusions from intra day
chart analysis 

Live Proofs of our 100% accurate 
Nifty predictions & Analysis

1- on going Bullish rally continuation will be seen towards next Psychological level at 25,000 in next week.
2- Very Short Term or little deeper intraday correction possibility also can not be ruled out.  

As was told on 27-07-2024 100% same happened in following manner on 29-07-2024:-

1- Nifty traded towards 25,000 after 108 points gap up strong opening. 
2- Today highest was at 24999.75 after gaining 165 points.
3- Very Short Term intraday correction was seen and Nifty slipped 225 points also from higher levels as well as several times traded negative zone also after flat closing. 

As firstly consolidation was seen through Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel after gap up strong opening therefore after that sharp up moves were seen. Selling pattern of up moves in Bearish Rising Channel formations was seen in Mid-Session and after that fresh selling in sideways market just below 25,000 in heated sentiments therefore sharp fall was seen. Follow up selling was also seen 

 last hours between 14834-14891 therefore firstly down moves are expected below today lowest(24774) and towards next supports(24367-24426)in the coming session as well as firstly sustaining beyond this su8pports range should be watched in the coming sessions for next decisive moves beginning confirmations
Bullish rally continuation towards next Psychological level at 25,000 amid Very Short Term or little deeper intraday correction possibility
Technical Analysis,Research & Weekly 
Outlook(Jul 29 to Aug 02,2024)
Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Waves structure)
Nifty-EOD Chart (26-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Corrective Wave-C of previous Waves structure "ABC correction" completion at 15183.40 on 17-06-2022 and Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure beginning.
2- Impulsive Wave-1 completion at 18887.60 on 01-12-2022.
3- Corrective Wave-2 completion at 16828.30 on 20-03-2023.
4- Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-3 completion at 20222.45 on 15-09-2023 and Wave-A of "ABC" correction beginning.
5- Wave-A of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 19333.60 on 04-10-2023.
6- Wave-B of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 19849.80 on 17-10-2023.  
7- Corrective Wave-C of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 18837.80 on 26-10-2023 and impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 beginning. 
8- Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations at 24861.15 on 26-07-2024.

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Waves structure)

Corrective Wave-C of "ABC correction" of previous Waves structure completed at 15183.40 on 17-06-2022 and from his level Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure begun which completed at 18887.60 on 01-12-2022 and Wave-2 begun from this level. Corrective Wave-2 completed at 16828.30 on 20-03-2023 and Impulsive Wave-3 started from this level. 

Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-3 completed at 20222.45 and from this level corrective Wave-A of "ABC" correction of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 started which completed at 19333.60 on 04-10-2023 and Wave-B begun. Wave-B completed at 19849.80 on 17-10-2023 and Wave-C started from this levels which completed at 18837.80 on 26-10-2023 and impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 begun from this level. 

Now Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 is in continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations at 24861.15 last friday ie on 26-07-2024 and no indication of its completion yet on EOD charts.

Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)
Nifty-EOD Chart (26-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Stochastic- %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line upward and its both lines are rising towards Over bought zone.
2- Stochastic:- %K(5)- 60.88 & %D(3)- 49.52.
3- In MACD- MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in positive zone.
4- MACD(26,12)- 265.25 & EXP(9)- 359.66 & Divergence- -94.41

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)

Technical positions of Short Term indicators are as follows:-

1- As in Stochastic its %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line upward and its both lines are rising towards Over bought zone therefore it will be understood that signals of on going rally continuation towards its Over bought zone have been generated.
2- As in MACD indicator its MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in positive zone therefore it will be understood that this indicator is showing signals of Short Term downward trend formations.

Nifty-Last 6 Sessions intraday
charts analysis
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (Jul 19 to Jul 26,2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in last 6 Sessions intraday charts

1- Pre and Post Budget 786 points high volatility in last 6 sessions
2- Whole day intraday selling on 19-07-2024
3- Selling between 24490-24578 on 22-07-2024
4- Union Budget announcements led 507 points high intraday volatility between 24075-24582 on 23-07-2024
5- Higher levels selling and lower levels consolidation on 24-07-2024
6- Whole day up moves with intraday consolidation patterns formations on 25-07-2024
7- Whole day up moves with intraday consolidation patterns formations on 26-07-2024
8- Last 6 Sessions actual trading between 24075-24861

Conclusions from 6 Sessions intra day
chart analysis 

As strong 650 points rally with intraday consolidation patterns formation in last 2 sessions therefore all the resistances of previous sessions have been nullifiled and following 2 supports ranges will be understood next strong supports of Nifty:-

1- 24367-24426
2- 24308-24367

As Nifty closed at life time highest after new all time top formations last Friday with previous 2 sessions only intraday consolidation patterns formations and intraday selling patterns were not seen in last 2 sessions also therefore firstly upward moves are expected. Let fresh selling patterns develop only then any type of correction will be considered.

Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (26-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Whole day up moves with downward corrections
2- Whole day actual trading between 24411-24861

Conclusions from intra day
chart analysis 

As good intraday consolidation on 25-Jul-2024 therefore up moves begun after positive opening last Friday which remained continued whole day and Nifty closed at life time highest after new all time top formations. Whole day up moves were with downward corrections which is a consolidation pattern also and intraday selling patterns were not seen last Friday therefore more up moves expected in the beginning of next week.

(After putting all studies together)

1- Long Term Trend is up.
2- Intermediate Term trend is up.
3- Short Term Trend is UP.

Although Pre Budget 2 sessions correction and after that Union Budget announcements led 507 points high intraday volatility also on Budget day but 650 strong rally was also seen in last 2 sessions and Nifty closed at life time highest with new all time top formations last Friday. It means that now Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 is in continuation strongly and no indication of its completion yet on EOD charts.  

As only intraday consolidation patterns formations in last 2 sessions and intraday selling patterns were not seen also in last 2 sessions as well as there is no resistance above life time highest closing of last Friday therefore it will be understood that there is no indication of even Very Short Correction hence firstly up moves will be expected in the beginning of next week. Let complete fresh selling patterns develop on intraday and EOD charts then any type of bigger correction will be considered except only intraday corrections.

Although MACD indicator is showing Downward Trend formations but it should be kept in mind that sometimes MACD gives next Trend formation signals little later also. As Stochastic indicator is showing upward moves signals therefore on going Bullish rally continuation will be seen towards next Psychological level at 25,000 in next week. As sentiment has turned heated after last 2 sessions 650 strong rally therefore Very Short Term or little deeper intraday correction possibility also can not be ruled out.  
Up moves towards next resistances
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & 
Market Outlook(26-07-2024)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (25-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- More than 4 hours up moves with downward corrections
2- Last 2 hours consolidation between 24367-24426
3- Whole day actual trading between 24211-24426

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although firstly Nifty slipped more than 200 Points after gap down opening but up moves begun from lower levels which remained continued till last minutea and Nifty traded in Green also in last hour as well as closed flat. As firstly  more than 4 hours up moves were with downward corrections and higher levels intraday consolidaion was also seen in last hours therefore up moves are expected towards next resistances between 24507-24554 
Watch 24308 amid firstly down 
moves expectations
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & 
Market Outlook(25-07-2024)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (24-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 24436-24498
2- Down moves
3- Consolidation between 24308-24367
4- Selling between 24425-24449
5- Sharp up
6- Whole day actual trading between 24308-24504

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although firstly some up moves after negative opening but selling was seen between 24436-24498 which was within more than 4 hours trading range(24427-24554) of yesterday also therefore dowm moves were seen in Mid-session. As lower levels more than one hour consolidation developed therefore sharp up moves seen also but again follow up selling in last hour hence:-

1- Firstly down moves are expected towards today lowest(24308)
2- Finally sustaining beyond today lowest should be watched for next bigger moves beginning confirmations
Finally sustaining beyond 24427-24554
 will confirm post Budget next Trend 
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis &
Market Outlook(24-07-2024)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (23-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- More than 4 hours trading between 24427-24554
2- Union budget announcements led Volatility with lower levels supports in Mid-Session between 24075-24425
3- Whole day actual trading between 24075-24582

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

As Union budget announcements led Volatility and technical positions reverses also during such high volatility as well as Indian markets has to react also through one sided decisive moves after Budget therefore finally sustaining beyond more than 4 hours trading range(24427-24554) of the Budget day should be watched for post Budget next Trend formation confirmations.
Finally sustaining beyond next
 Supports & Resistances will confirm
 post Budget next Trend

As Union Budget 2024-25 will be tabled in Parliament by FM Nirmala Sitharaman at 11:00 today(23-97-2924 and Indian Stock markets will react through high volatility on its announcements also therefore finally sustaining beyond next Supports and Resistances  should be watched in the coming sessions for post Budget next Trend formation confirmations.

Next Supports and Resistances have already been posted in previous following named Outlook on 20-07-2024:-

Firstly watch Supports for next
 bigger moves beginning confirmations
 in Union Budget week
Technical Analysis,Research & 
Weekly Outlook(Jul 22 to Jul 26,2024)
Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Waves structure)
Nifty-EOD Chart (19-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Corrective Wave-C of previous Waves structure "ABC correction" completion at 15183.40 on 17-06-2022 and Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure beginning.
2- Impulsive Wave-1 completion at 18887.60 on 01-12-2022.
3- Corrective Wave-2 completion at 16828.30 on 20-03-2023.
4- Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-3 completion at 20222.45 on 15-09-2023 and Wave-A of "ABC" correction beginning.
5- Wave-A of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 19333.60 on 04-10-2023.
6- Wave-B of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 19849.80 on 17-10-2023.  
7- Corrective Wave-C of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 18837.80 on 26-10-2023 and impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 beginning. 
8- Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations at 24854.80 on 19-07-2024.

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Waves structure)

Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure started from 15183.40 on 17-06-2022 after Corrective Wave-C of "ABC correction" of previous Waves structure completion at this level. Wave-1 completed at 18887.60 on 01-12-2022 and Wave-2 begun from this level which completed at 16828.30 on 20-03-2023 and Impulsive Wave-3 started from this level. 

Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-3 completed at 20222.45 and from this level corrective Wave-A of "ABC" correction of Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 begun which completed at 19333.60 on 04-10-2023 and Wave-B started. Wave-B completed at 19849.80 on 17-10-2023 and Wave-C started from this levels which completed at 18837.80 on 26-10-2023 and impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 begun from this level. 

Now Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 is in continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations at 24854.80 on 19-07-2024 and no confirmation of its completion yet on EOD charts.

Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)
Nifty-EOD Chart (19-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Stochastic- %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling from Over bought zone.
2- Stochastic:- %K(5)- 74.38 & %D(3)- 84.36.
3- In MACD- MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in positive zone.
4- MACD(26,12)- 392.11 & EXP(9)- 461.61 & Divergence- -69.5
5- MACD is showing negative divergence

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)

Technical positions of Short Term indicators are as follows:-

1- As in Stochastic its %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling from Over bought zone therefore it will be understood that signals of Short Term correction beginning have been generated firstly expected also in the beginning of next week.
2- As in MACD indicator its MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in positive zone therefore it will be understood that this indicator is showing Short Term trend formations and Short term down moves beginning possibility also in next week.

Nifty-Last 4 Sessions intraday
charts analysis
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (Jul 15 to Jul 19,2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in last 4 Sessions intraday charts

1- Selling(Resistances) in last 4 Sessions are as follows:-
A- 24590-24615
B- 24636-24675 
C- 24729-24773 
2- Consolidation(Supports) in last 4 Sessions are as follows:-
A- 24519-24564 
3- Last 4 Sessions actual trading between 24509-24854 

Conclusions from 4 Sessions
intra day chart analysis 

As lower levels some consolidation therefore strong rally was seen on 18-07-2024 but Whole day down moves were seen last Friday because Microsoft Server down problems and all the Global Stock Markets were in Bearish mode. As most negative news led more than 1% down moves were seen last Friday therefore firstly sustaining beyond last 4 sessions supports(24519-24564) should be watched in the coming week for next Short Term Trend formation confirmations.

Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (19-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Whole day down moves with upward corrections
2- Whole day actual trading between 24509-24854

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although gap up opening last Friday but Nifty could not sustain at higher levels and starts crashing with all Global markets because massive Microsoft outage unleashed havoc on computer systems across the world. As whole day down moves were with upward corrections which is a distribution pattern also therefore more down moves are expected towards next supports in the beginning of next week.

Conclusions (After putting
all studies together)

1- Long Term Trend is up.
2- Intermediate Term trend is up.
3- Short Term Trend is UP.

Now Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 is in continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations last Friday at 24854.80 and no indication of its completion yet on EOD charts. As Microsoft Global Outrage last Friday therefore all the Global Stock Markets were down and resultant Indian markets also slipped more than 1% that day. 

Short term indicators are suggesting Short Term correction possibility which may also be firstly seen in next week but bigger moves will be decided according to the Union Budget announcemnets next Tuesday(23-07-2024) therefore next week may be highly volatile also and firstly sustaining beyond following next supports should be watched in the coming week and next one sided bigger moves beginning confirmations:-

1- 24519-24564
2- 24358-24430
3- 24142-24355
4- 24095-24148
5- 23914-23997 
6- 23671-23734
7- 23563-23612
8- 23502-23537
9- 23358-23476

Resistances above last Friday closing have been updated above and are not much strong also therefore once sustaining above 1st supports range(24519-24564) will mean strong rally beginning above life time top.
More up moves with only Very 
Short term correction possibility
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & 
Market Outlook(19-07-2024)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (18-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Volatility in first 2 hours between 24505-24679
2- Last 4 hours up moves with downward corrections
3- Whole day actual trading between 24505-24837

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

As intraday selling was seen yesterday therefore following lines were told at 02:03 AM on 18-07-2024 in "Watch next Supports amid firstly down moves expectations":-

"finally sustaining beyond next supports(24539-24564) should be watched for next decisive moves beginning confirmations amid firstly down moves"

As intraday selling yesterday and Nifty was not prepared for immediate up moves therefore firstly high volatility was seen in first 2 hours between 24505-24679 today and Nifty got supports near about yesterday mentioned next supports(24539-24564).

Although Nifty traded 108 points down in first 2 hours but got supports near about next supports and after that up moves begun with downward corrections which remained continued till next 4 hours and Nifty closed with 0.76% gains. As only intraday consolidation patterns and selling patterns were not seen therefore more up moves are expected and only Very Short term correction possibility can not be ruled out because Very Short Term indicators have turned Overbought.   
Watch next Supports amid firstly 
down moves expectations
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & 
Market Outlook(18-07-2024)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (16-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- More than 50 points up moves after positive opening
2- Selling between 24643-24661
3- Volatility in last hour between 24588-34647
4- Whole day actual trading between 24588-24661

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although firstly up moves after positive opening but higher levels selling developed in Mid-session therefore down moves were seen till last hour. As Volatility in last hour between 24588-34647 and some times technical positions reverses also during such Volatility therefore expected that Nifty will firstly trade within this Volatility range in the coming session. Firstly down moves are also expected below last Tuesday lowest(24588) because higher levels selling was seen and finally sustaining beyond next supports(24539-24564) should be watched for next decisive moves beginning confirmations amid firstly down moves expectations. 
As out of station therefore unable 
to post today(16-07-2024) Outlook. 
Firstly up moves and Finally 
24474-24576 will confirm Fresh Rally
 or Short Term correction
Technical Analysis,Research & Weekly 
Outlook(Jul 15 to Jul 19,2024)
Nifty-Weekly Chart Analysis
(Waves structure)
Nifty-Weekly Chart (12-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in Weekly charts

1- Corrective Wave-C of previous Waves structure "ABC correction" completion at 15183.40 on 17-06-2022 and Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure beginning.
2- Impulsive Wave-1 completion at 18887.60 on 02-12-2022.
3- Corrective Wave-2 completion at 16828.30 on 24-03-2023.
4- Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-3 completion at 20222.45 on 15-09-2023. 
5- Corrective Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 completion at 18837.80 on 27-10-2023
6- Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations at 24592.20 on 12-07-2024.

Conclusions from Weekly chart
analysis(Waves structure)

Corrective Wave-C of "ABC correction" of previous Waves structure completed at 15183.40 on 17-06-2022 and from this level Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure started which completed at 18887.60 on 02-12-2022. From this level Wave-2 begun which completed at 16828.30 on 24-03-2023 and Impulsive Wave-3 begun from this level. 

Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-3 completed at 20222.45 on 15-09-2023 and from this level corrective    Wave-(ii) of Wave-3 started which completed at 18837.80 on 27-10-2023 and impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 begun from this level. Now Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 is in continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations at 24592.20 on 12-07-2024 and no indication of its completion yet on Weekly charts.

Nifty-Weekly Chart Analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)
Nifty-Weekly Chart (12-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in Weekly charts

1- Stochastic- Its both lines %K(5) and %D(3) are kissing in Over bought zone.
2- Stochastic:- %K(5)- 95.13 & %D(3)- 95.17.
3- In MACD- MACD line has intersected Average line upward and its both lines are rising in positive zone.
4- MACD(26,12)- 769.40 & EXP(9)- 459.75 & Divergence- 309.65
5- MACD is showing negative divergence.

Conclusions from Weekly chart analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)

Technical positions of Intermediate Term indicators are as follows:-

1- As in Stochastic its both lines %K(5) and %D(3) are kissing in Over bought zone therefore it will be understood that signals of Intermediate Term correction beginning have started to generate. Let its downward intersection happen and its downward moves begun then Intermediate Term correction will be seen.
2- As in MACD indicator its MACD line has intersected Average line upward and its both lines are rising in positive zone but MACD is showing negative divergence also therefore it will be understood that MACD has confirmed upward Trend formation but cautious approach is required and let more downward trend formations develop then Intermediate Term correction will be seen.

Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)
Nifty-EOD Chart (12-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Impulsive Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations at 24592.20 on 12-07-2024.
2- Stochastic- %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling from Over bought zone.
3- Stochastic:- %K(5)- 63.92 & %D(3)- 69.98.
4- Stochastic is showing negative divergence
5- In MACD- MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in positive zone.
6- MACD(26,12)- 446.22 & EXP(9)- 509.56 & Divergence- -63.34
7- MACD is showing negative divergence.

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)

Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 is in continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations at 24592.20 on 12-07-2024 and no indication of its completion yet on EOD charts. Technical positions of Short Term indicators are as follows:-

1- As in Stochastic  %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling from Over bought zone and it is showing negative divergence also therefore this indicator has shown clear signals of Short Term Correction beginning in the coming week/weeks.
2- As in MACD indicator its MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in positive zone as well as it is showing negative divergence also therefore it will be understood that MACD is showing clear signals of downward trend formations.

Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (12-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Consolidation between 24358-24430
2- More than 200 points sharp up
3- Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel
4- Consolidation between 24474-24523
5- Minor selling between 24548-24576
6- Whole day actual trading between 24332-24592

Conclusions from intra day
chart analysis 

As more than one hour consolidation after positive opening and intraday consolidation patterns were seen in previous sessions also therefore more than 200 points sharp up moves developed in less than 20 minutes. Although higher levels minor intraday selling but consolidation patterns formations also in the last more than 4 hours trading between 24474-24576 therefore expected that firstly up moves will be seen towards last friday highest(24592) in the beginning of next week. As minor selling was seen below 24576 and above it selling patterns were not seen last Friday therefore once sustaining above 24576 will mean fresh strong rally beginning confirmations. If firstly Nifty fails to sustain above 24576 then finally sustaining beyond last more than 4 hours trading range(24474-24576) should be watched for next Short Term moves beginning confirmations . 

Conclusions (After putting
all studies together)

1- Long Term trend is up.
2- Intermediate Term trend is up.
3- Short Term Trend is UP.

Wave-(iii) of Wave-3 is in continuation with its recent high and new life time top formations at 24592.20 on 12-07-2024 and no indication of its completion yet on Weekly and EOD charts therefore on going Bullish rally will remain continued in the coming week also.

Intermediate Term indicators have not shown any signal of Intermediate Term correction beginning but Short Term indicators have shown clear signals of Short Term correction beginning therefore it may begin. As intraday charts of previous week have shown lower levels supports and consolidation patterns formations also therefore Nifty closed at life time top with new life time top formations last Friday and until complete fresh intraday selling patterns will not develop till then even Short Term correction will not be seen.

Although firstly up moves are expected in the beginning of coming week but Short Term indicators are showing signals of Short Term correction beginning also therefore finally sustaining beyond 24474-24576 should be watched in the coming week for next Short Term moves beginning confirmations. Sustaining above 24576 will mean strong rally beginning and sustaining below 24474 will mean Short Term correction beginning towards following next supports which should be watched one by one for fresh rally beginning after Short Term correction completion:-

1- 24358-24430
2- 24142-24355
3- 24095-24148
4- 23914-23997 
5- 23671-23734
6- 23563-23612
7- 23502-23537
8- 23358-23476
Sustaining above 24355 will 
confirm strong rally beginning
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & Market 
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (11-07-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- 85 Points fall in first half hour after positive opening
2- More than 100  points sharp fall
3- More than 4 hours up moves with downward corrections between 24237-24355
4- Whole day actual trading between 24194-24402

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although  85 points fall in first half hour after positive opening and again more than 100  points sharp fall but after that up moves begun with downward corrections which remained continued in the next more than 4 hours. 
As more than 8 hours up moves with downward corrections have been seen in the last 2 sessions between 24142-24355 therefore firstly sustaining above 24355 should be watched in the coming sessions strong rally beginning confirmations after Short Term correction completion.
Sustaining above 24333 will confirm fresh rally after Short Term correction completion
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis &
Market Outlook(11-07-2024)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (10-Jul-2024):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Selling in first half hour after positive opening between 24397-24461
2- 319 Points sharp fall in one hour
3- More than 4 hours up moves with downward corrections between 24142-24333
4- Whole day actual trading between 24142-24461

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although positive opening but selling developed and some intraday selling was seen in previous sessions as well as Short Term indicators had turned Overbought and were showing negative divergence also therefore intraday Short Term Correction developed through 319 Points sharp fall in one hour. 

As lower levels supports developed and after that more than 4 hours up moves were seen with downward corrections between 24142-24333 therefore firstly sustaining above this range should be watched in the coming sessions for fresh rally beginning confirmations after Short Term correction completion.