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Rally triggering after GST passing expectations 

As PM invitaion to Manmohan Singh and Soniya Gandhi to find solution for passing of GST therefore Bullish reaction of Indian markets and Nifty crossing of 11 sessions trading range(7714-7906) which is an indication of fresh rally after correction completion. Certainly GST passing will be a big boost to Indian economy and if Nifty sustains above 7906 then strong rally will be seen after 11 sessions valid break out confirmations.
Just Watch 7854-7877 for first strong signal of next big decisive moves
Intra Day Chart Analysis & Market Outlook
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (26-Nov-2015):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- More than 4 hours trading between 7854-7877 with Mixed patterns formations
2- 4 hours trading range broken out after positive opening with recovery from lower levelsof all European markets 
3- Whole day actual trading between 7832-7897

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

As sentiment was good after positive zone trading of all the Asian markets therefore Green opening of Indian markets. Selling was seen between 7854-7877 in last 2 sessions and Nifty was not prepared to sustain above 7877 therefore firstly more than 4 hours of trading within this range. Although some up moves above 7877 but after positive opening and recovery from lower levels of all European markets therefore view will not be Bullish because;-

1- Today intraday patterns have not shown as such consolidation but Mixed patterns formations in first 4 hours.
2- All the intraday up moves were reaction of positive Asian markets and  after 01:30 PM were due to Green European markets.

Last 11 sessions trading between 7714-7906 with and this range will decide next big moves. As good selling between 7854-7877 on 23 and 24 Nov was closing just above it at 7883.80 after Mixed patterns formations within this range as well as today whole day intraday moves were strong Global sentiments led therefore firstly valid break out of this range(7854-7877) should be watched in the coming sessions for first strong signal of next big decisive moves beyond 11 sessions trading range(7714-7906)

Post-open Outlook(26-11-2015)

As all the Asian markets are in Green and some are more than 1% up therefore positive opening of Indian markets but selling between 7854-7877 in last 2 sessions therefore could not move above it

Global sentiments are improving because most European markets closed more than 1.5% yesterday therefore possibility of higher levels consolidation amid strong sentiments can not be ruled out and firstly sustaining above last 2 sessions selling range(7854-7877) should be watched for decisive up moves under improved Global sentiments.
Emergence of Deeper Correction Possibility
Intra Day Chart Analysis & Market Outlook
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (24-Nov-2015):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling patterns formation between 7854-7870
2- Whole day actual trading between 7813-7870

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Following lines were told on 23-11-2015 in "Valid break out 7826-7877 will be next trend first strong indication":-

Nifty will have to prepare for next decisive moves within and near about today trading range(7826-7877),its valid break out will be next trend first strong indication and should be firstly watched tomorrow.

As was told 100% same happened and Nifty traded most time within mention range as well as closed between it at 7931.60 on 24-11-2015

Selling at higher levels on 23-11-2015 and follow up selling on 24-11-2015 also therefore expected that more down moves will be seen on 26-11-2015 and emergence of deeper correction possibility also because correction is already on and still selling continuation for the last 2 sessions.
Valid break out 7826-7877 will be next trend first strong indication
Intra Day Chart Analysis & Market Outlook
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (23-Nov-2015):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling patterns formations between 7865-7877
2- Support between 7826-7843
3- Whole day actual trading between 7826-7877

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

When Nifty was trading in Green then following lines were told today at 12:47 PM "Mid-session Outlook(23-11-2015)":-

1- most time positive zone trading since opening today and now also Nifty is in Green
2- some selling patterns formations also seen between 7865-7877
3- firstly valid break out of 7877 should be watched now

As selling was seen between 7865-7877 in first 3 hours therefore valid break out of 7877 was told for watching and Nifty could not moves above it whole day as well as closed below mentioned selling range.   
6 Sessions most time trading range(7724-7852) broken out last Friday but not sustaining above it and today closing within this range at 7849.25. 3 Strong signals of Pull Back Rally were updated yesterday in "Rally Continuation Expectations towards 8146" and still its hopes are alive but higher levels selling was also seen today therefore follow up consolidation is also required for rally continuation after sustaining above today highest(7877) because no confirmation of on going that correction completion which started on 26-10-2015 from 8336.30.

As some intraday supports were also seen at lower levels after higher levels selling today therefore Mixed intraday patterns formations will be understood for today and Nifty will have to prepare for next decisive moves within and near about today trading range(7826-7877),its valid break out will be next trend first strong indication and should be firstly watched tomorrow.
Mid-session Outlook(23-11-2015)

Although most time positive zone trading since opening today and now also Nifty is in Green but some selling patterns formations also seen between 7865-7877 therefore firstly valid break out of 7877 should be watched now.
Rally Continuation Expectations towards 8146
Technical Analysis,Research & Weekly Outlook
(Nov 23 to Nov 27,2015)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (Nov 12 to Nov 20,2015):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in last 7 Sessions intraday charts

1- 6 Sessions most time trading between 7724-7852
2- 6 Sessions trading range broken out forcefully on 20-11-2015 but closing within it after slipping in last hour.

Conclusions from 7 Sessions intra day chart analysis 

6 Sessions most time trading between 7724-7852 and this range forcefully broken out on 20-11-2015 but could not sustain at higher levels and closing within 6 sessions range therefore technically sustaining above last 6 sessions highest(7852) is firstly required for the confirmation of fresh rally after valid break out of 6 sessions sideways range.

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (20-Nov-2015):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Consolidation in first hour between 7818-7837
2- More than 3 hours onsolidation Patterns between 7881-7906
3- 36 Points sharp fall in 3 minutes
4- Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel in last hour
5- Whole day actual trading between 7818-7906

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although 36 Points sharp fall in 3 minutes during last hours of trading on 20-11-2015 but it will be understood a part of consolidation process because as such no selling patterns were seen. As whole day above mentioned consolidation patterns formations therefore strong signals of fresh up moves above day's highest(7906) after following up consolidation within previous session trading range(7818-7906)

Conclusions (After Putting All Studies Together)

Detailed analysis of EOD charts have already been updated in following previous week analysis topic on 14-11-2015:- 

Firstly Up moves Expectations amid On Going Correction

As no material change in EOD charts formations in previous week therefore in its continuation following intraday charts analysis is being updated to understand next week moves:- 

All trends are down during on going correction and no confirmation of its completion yet but following strong signals of Pull Back Rally in next week because:-

1- Rounding bottom(Bullish Pattern) formations in last 9 sessions EOD charts 
2- Good intraday consolidation at lower levels in last 9 sessions and as such selling patterns not seen.
3- Previous 6 Sessions most time trading range(7724-7852) broken out last Friday with intraday consolidation patterns formations despite slipping from higher levels in last hours.

Next 3 resistances of Nifty are as follows:-

1- 8070-8152
2- 8196-8232
3- 8262-8325

Long Term Trend decider 200 Day EMA is today at 8146 and and rally continuation is expected up to this levels. Once sustaining above it will mean clearing of above mentioned first resistance also which will be strong signal of fresh rally after all trends turning up confirmations. 