Live Proofs of Profits and the Best Services of Indian Stock Markets to Our Paid Clients
Corrective Wave-c continuation and more down moves/sharp fall possibility was told in all the Outlooks yesterday as well as we sent NIFTY-Aug PE(5500)-buying call to our paid clients. Calls,complete guidance and Profit booking messages are as follows:-
1- At 09:16 AM-NIFTY-Aug Put Option(5500)-Buy-Positional-SL-34-TGT-84-CMP-54(Lalit39)
2- At 02:11 PM-NIFTY-Aug PE(5500)-Bought on 06-08-2013-Market is sharp down,just hold and cover only after my covering message either today or within next 1/2days(Lalit39)
3- At 02:40 PM-NIFTY-Aug PE(5500)-Bought on 06-08-2013-Target achieved,Cover and book profit immediately-CMP-89(Lalit39)
Live Proofs of above Puts Buying at Lower levels and Selling near Higher Levels
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We always talk with only those proofs which no one can deny therefore live proofs have been updated and even though if anyone has any doubt then may call us and then he will be given the Mobile Numbers of those who enjoyed profits from any part in India.