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 This is the "Oldest & Only Website" of whole World
which is updating Nifty & Indian Stock Markets
"Daily and Weekly accurate Outlooks" 
with "Intraday Charts Analysis"for the 
last more than "14 years" means from "2010"
For its live Proofs just see "Archive"
in the "bottom of this Website".

Trading "calls" from our "Software" with more than "90% accuracy"

Finally sustaining beyond 19297-19538
 will confirm the life & length
 of on going Correction
Technical Analysis,Research & Weekly Outlook
(Aug 07 to Aug 11,2023)
Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Waves structure)
Nifty-EOD Chart (04-Aug-2023):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Corrective Wave-C of "ABC correction" completion at 15183.4 on 17-06-2022 and Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure beginning.
2- Impulsive Wave-[(i)] of Wave-1 completion at 18096.2 on 15-09-2022.
3- Corrective Wave-[(ii)] of Wave-1 completion at 16747.7 on 30-09-2022.
4- Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 completion at 18887.6 on 01-12-2022 and Corrective Wave-A of "ABC" correction begining.
5- Corrective Wave-A of Wave-[(ii)] of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 completion at 17774.3 on 26-12-2022.
6- Corrective Wave-B of Wave-[(ii)] of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 completion at 18265.3 on 30-12-2022.
7- Corrective Wave-C of Wave-[(ii)] of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 completion at 16828.3 on 20-03-2023 and Impulsive Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 beginning.
8- Impulsive Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 continuation with recent top formations at 19991.8 on 20-07-2023.
9- Short Term correction continuation with recent bottom formations at 19296.5 on 03-08-2023.   

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Waves structure)

Impulsive Wave-1 of new Waves structure begun from 15183.4 on 17-06-2022 after Corrective Wave-C of "ABC correction" of previous Waves structure completion at this level. Impulsive Wave-[(i)] of Wave-1 completed at 18096.2 on 15-09-2022 and Corrective Wave-[(ii)] of Wave-1 started which completed at 16747.7 on 30-09-2022 and from this levels impulsive Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 begun.

Impulsive Wave-(i) of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 completed at 18887.6 on 01-12-2022 and its "ABC" correction begun, Corrective Wave-C of "ABC" correction completed at 16828.3 on 20-03-2023. From this level Impulsive Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 started which is in continuation with recent and life time top formations at 19991.8 on 20-07-2023. Although no confirmations of its completion yet on EOD charts but Short Term correction started from this levels which is in continuation with recent bottom formations at 19296.5 on 03-08-2023

Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)
Nifty-EOD Chart (04-Aug-2023):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Impulsive Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 beginning from 16828.3 on 20-03-2023.
2- Impulsive Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 continuation with recent top formations at 19991.8 on 20-07-2023.
3- Short Term correction continuation with recent bottom formations at 19296.5 on 03-08-2023.
4- Stochastic- %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling  little above Over Sold zone.
5- Stochastic:- %K(5)- 28.15 & %D(3)- 35.84.
6- In MACD- MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in positive zone.
7- MACD(26,12)- 41.56 & EXP(9)- 219.17 & Divergence- -177.61

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Stochastic & MACD)

Short Term correction begun after Impulsive Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 recent top formations at 19991.8 on 20-07-2023 and in continuation with recent bottom formations at 19296.5 on 03-08-2023 as well as no confirmations of its completion yet on EOD charts. Positions of Daily indicators are as follows:-

1- As in Short Term indicator Stochastic %K(5) line has intersected %D(3) line downward and its both lines are falling little above Over Sold zone therefore indicating some more down moves possibilities.
2- As in MACD indicator MACD line has intersected Average line downward and its both lines are falling in positive zone therefore showing downward trend formation indications.

Nifty-EOD Chart Analysis
(Fibonacci retracement levels)
Nifty-EOD Chart (04-Aug-2023):-
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts
Fibonacci Retracement levels of Impulsive Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1(from 16828.3 to Wave-19991.8):-

13.0%- 19,580.5 (Retraced)
23.6%- 19,245.2
27.0%- 19,137.7
38.2%- 18,783.3 (Crucial)
50.0%- 18,410.1 (Crucial)
61.8%- 18,036.8 (Crucial)
70.7%- 17,755.2
76.4%- 17,574.9
78.6%- 17,505.3
88.6%- 17,188.9

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis
(Fibonacci retracement levels)

As Short Term correction of Impulsive Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 is in continuation and no confirmations of its completion yet on EOD charts therefore above mentioned its Fibonacci Retracement levels should also be watched one by one in the coming weeks/months for the life and length of on going correction.

Nifty-Last 2 Sessions
intraday charts analysis
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (Aug 03 & Aug 04,2023):-
Technical Patterns formation in last 2 Sessions intraday charts

1- Intraday trading patterns on 03-08-2023 
A- Selling between 19472-19537
B- Consolidation between 19297-19365
2- Intraday trading patterns on 04-08-2023
A- Consolidation between 19439-19480
B- Selling between 19516-19537
3- Last 2 Sessions actual trading between 19297-19538 

Conclusions from 2 Sessions
intra day chart analysis 

Previous strong supports were between 19434-19519. As Nifty was to prepare for next decisive moves beginning beyond these strong supports therefore traded within and near about it between 19297-19538 in last 2 sessions as well as closed within it at 19517 last Friday. Last 2 Sessions trading was between 19297-19538 with both lower levels consolidation and higher levels selling patterns formations therefore firstly Nifty will have to trade and prepare for next decisive moves in the beginning on next week and finally sustaining beyond last 2 sessions trading range(19297-19538) will confirm it therefore should be firstly watched in next week because strong supports(19434-19519) are lying within this range.

(After putting all studies together)

1- Long Term trend is up.
2- Intermediate Term trend is up.
3- Short Term trend is down.

Short Term correction of Impulsive Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-[(iii)] of Wave-1 begun from 19991.8 on 20-07-2023 after gaining 3163.5 points in exactly 4 months and in continuation with recent bottom formations at 19296.5 on 03-08-2023 as well as no confirmations of its completion yet on EOD and intraday charts. Nifty has retraced 13.0%(19,580.5) during on going correction and Short Term indicators are showing some more down moves possibilities therefore above mentioned Fibonacci retracement levels should also be watched one by one. As Crucial retracement levels tends to reverse the trend also therefore should also be positively watched during on going correction.

Next resistances above last Friday closing are as follows:-

1- 19518-19537
2- 19642-19707
3- 19724-19793
4- 19793-19825(Strong resistance)
5- 19906-19925
6- 19964-19987

Next supports below last Friday closing and upto 38.2% retracement levels are as follows:-

1- 19439-19480
2- 19297-19365
3- 19202-19234(Gap supports)
4- 19139-19156
5- 19076-19094
6- 19012-19024(Gap supports)
7- 18963-19002
8- 18869-18890
9- 18830-18861(Gap supports)
10- 18715-18746
11- 18647-18675

Strong supports were between 19434-19519 and Nifty traded within/near about it between 19297-19538 in last 2 sessions of previous week to prepare for next decisive moves beginning. As finally sustaining beyond last 2 sessions trading range(19297-19538) will confirm the life and length of on going Short term correction also through honouring/dishonouring of strong supports(19434-19519) therefore should be firstly watched for it in next week.
Sustaining beyond 19297-19537 will 
confirm the life of on going correction
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & 
Market Outlook(04-08-2023)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (03-Aug-2023):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Almost 3 hours selling between 19472-19537
2- Down moves in Mid-session
3- 2 Hours consolidation between 19297-19365
4- Sharp up in last hour
5- Whole day actual trading between 19297-19537

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although firstly up moves after negative opening but almost 3 hours selling between 19472-19537 therefore down moves were seen in Mid-session.  As 2 hours lower levels consolidation also therefore sharp up in last hour and closing was after 85 points recovery from today lowest.

As both lower levels consolidation and higher levels selling between 19297-19537 today therefore firstly Nifty will have trade and prepare for the life of on going correction within this range and finally sustaining it beyond will confirm it hence should be firstly watched in the coming sessions.
Strong supports will confirm 
next Short Term moves beginning 
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & 
Market Outlook(03-08-2023)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (02-Aug-2023):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Down moves with upward corrections
2- Selling between 19518-19556
3- Volatility in more than last 2 hours between 19424-19544 
4- Whole day actual trading between 19424-19678

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Live Proofs of our 100% accurate analysis and Levels

1- Following lines were told yesterday in "Down moves expectations below today lowest":-

whole day intraday selling patterns developed today therefore down moves are expected below today lowest(19705) in the coming sessions

2- Following strong supports were posted on 29-07-2023 in "Firstly watch next strong resistance amid up moves expectations":-

19434-19519(Strong supports)

As was told 100% same happened and:- 

1- Nifty opened gap down below below yesterday lowest at 19655.40 today and traded whole day below it as well as closed 207 points down today.
2- Nifty honoured strong supports today and:- 
A- Nifty traded more than last 2 kours within and near about strong supports. 
B- Nifty could not sustain below strong supports and recovered sharply after forming bottom only 10.45 points below it at 19423.55 today.
3- Nifty closed just above the top of strong supports at 19526.55 today.

As whole day good intraday selling yesterday therefore firstly gap down opening was seen today and after that fresh selling through Down moves with upward corrections and sideways trading range selling therefore sharp fall developed and once Nifty traded 254 points down also.

Last more than 2 hours 220 points volatility within and near about strong supports(19434-19519) between 19424-19544 today therefore expected that Nifty will firstly trade and prepare for next Short Term moves beginning within and near about this range as well as finally sustaining beyond this range will confirm it hence should be watched in the coning sessions.

Down moves expectations below
 today lowest
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & 
Market Outlook(02-08-2023)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (01-Aug-2023):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 19770-19795
2- Selling between 19725-19753
3- Selling between 19746-19764
4- Whole day actual trading between 19705-19795

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis

Live Proofs of our 100% accurate analysis

1- Following lines were told today at 08:08 AM in "Watch next strong resistance range amid rally continuation expectations":-

rally continuation is expected towards next strong resistance range(19793-19825) and finally sustaining it beyond will confirm next decisive moves beginning

2- Following lines were told on 29-07-2023 in "Firstly watch next strong resistance amid up moves expectations":-

firstly up moves are expected in the beginning of next week therefore firstly sustaining beyond above mentioned strong resistance(19793-19825) should be firstly watched in the coming week

As was told in previous 2 Outlooks all that proved 100% accurate today and:- 

1- Nifty moved up 149.60 points to 19795.60 in previous 2 sessions from last Friday closing(19646).
2- Nifty faced resistance within strong resistance(19793-19825) at today highest(19795.60) and Nifty moved down today to 19,704.60 after loosing 91 points.

Although firstly up moves after positive opening but whole day intraday selling patterns developed today therefore down moves are expected below today lowest(19705) in the coming sessions.
Watch next strong resistance range amid rally continuation expectations
Nifty-Intra Day Chart Analysis & 
Market Outlook(01-08-2023)
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (31-Jul-2023):-
Technical Patterns formation in today intraday charts

1- More than 2 hours up moves after positive opening
2- More than 3 hours consolidation between 19679-19721
3- Sharp up in last hour
4- Whole day actual trading between 19598-19772

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

As firstly more than 2 hours up moves after positive opening and after that more than 3 hours consolidation therefore sharp up moves were seen in last hour. Only intraday consolidation and selling patterns were not seen therefore on going rally continuation is expected towards next strong resistance range(19793-19825) and finally sustaining it beyond will confirm next decisive moves beginning hence it should also be watched in the coming sessions for confirmations.