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Pre-Open Market Outlook(17-09-2010)

दिल से धन्यवाद देता हूँ मैं जेऍनयू के गद्दारों को कि तुम तो नंगे हुए ही लेकिन तुमने अपने साथ में देशद्रोही और गद्दार साबित कर दिया इन हरामजादों को:-
1-कम्युनिस्टों के शरीर पर तो कोई कपड़ा ही नहीं बचा
2-पप्पू बेवकूफ गधा गांधी
3-श्रीमान 420 खुजलीवाल
4-इटालियन कांग्रेस के सभी पालतू कुत्ते
5-लल्लू यादव
6-वो सभी हरामजादे हिन्दुओं के महा दुश्मन सेक्युलर कमीने नेता,पत्रकार और चैनल जो अख़लाक़ की मोत पर तो हिजड़ों की तरह नाच रहे थे लेकिन जेऍनयू के गद्दारों पर मुँह खोलने की वजाय ऐसे चुप हो गए हैं जैसे उनके घर की------ने पाकिस्तानियों के ------गर्म करने का धंधा चालू कर दिया हो।
(हो सकता है कि किसी को मेरी भाषा पर आपत्ति हो लेकिन मेरा खून खोल रहा है मेरे देश के साथ ये गद्दारी देखकर)

Mid-Session Outlook-2(16-09-2010)

क्या इस्लामिक कट्टरता की सच्चाई को अनदेखा कर इस तरह की असंभव और झूठी बातों को बार बार पढ़ा        कर और हिन्दुओं को अँधेरे में नहीं रखा गया तथा बेवक़ूफ़,कायर और  लापरवाह नहीं बनाया गया ?

Mid-Session Outlook(16-09-2010)

जे एन यू के देशद्रोही अध्यापकों को जूते मार मार कर बाहर करो
हम सभी देशभक्त मांग करते हैं कि जे एन यू के अध्यापकों की देशद्रोही शिक्षाओं के कारण ही जे एन यू में देशद्रोही और गद्दार छात्र पैदा हुए हैं इसलिए जे एन यू के अध्यापकों को जूते मार मार कर जे एन यू से बाहर किया जाये और वहां पर देशप्रेमी और हिंदुस्तान प्रेमी शिक्षकों को नियुक्त किया जाये।  इसके अलावा सभी शिक्षकों की पूरी जाँच करके जो पाकिस्तान के एजेंट हों उन्हें फांसी पर भी लटकाया जाये। 

Pre-Open Market Outlook(16-09-2010)

March 2009 rally closed at new high with intraday selling patterns within 5845-5870 yesterday. Indicators position is as follows:-

1- MACD- Difference between both lines has been increased. As both lines have tendency to converge after divergence therefore convergence possibility has been developed after sone selling.

2- ROC & RSI- Lines in both indicators have entered into overbought zone. Although no divergence but indicating possibility of minor correction through being overbought.

3- Stochastic & Willian %R:- Both very short term indicators are overbought and also telling possibility of minor correction.

As intrady charts did not showed selling patterns therefore correction did not started yet and after yesterday intraday selling patterns minor correction possibility has increased. Yesterday trading range is resistance and immediate support range is 5775-5810. Today first expected trading range is 5790-5870.

After 1 day intraday selling patterns only minor correction can be predictd and that is expected today. Today follow up moves and break out of 5775-5870 wil give next trend confirmations.
Today trading levels are as follows:-

5890- Resistance and not expected to test it today.
5840- Trading its near about expected today.
5790- Support and its testing expected today.

Minor intraday correction and trading within 5790-5870 and Red cloing expected today.

Post-Open Outlook(15-09-2010)

सीधा सवाल सीधा जवाब
जिस तरह से कांग्रेस,कम्युनिस्टों ,आप,जेडीयू,जनता दल और सभी सेक्युलर पार्टियों ने जेएनयू की देशद्रोहियों और पाकिस्तान परस्त, खुलकर या फिर चुप रहकर समर्थन किया है और पूरी ताकत से विरोध नहीं किया है उस से तो यही समझ में आता है कि अगर मोदी जी,बीजेपी,आरएसएस,शिव सेना और विहिप नहीं हों तो 20/25 सालों में एक एक करके पुरे हिंदुस्तान से उसी तरह से ख़त्म हो जायेगा जिस तरह से हिन्दू  कश्मीर से ख़त्म हो गया 

के कश्मीर के बाद केरल का और केरल  के बाद आसाम के बाद पुरे हिंदुस्तान के हिन्दुओं को मार,काट और बलात्कार

पूरी तरह से देशद्रोहियों का साथ खुला समर्थन करके और मोन समर्थन 

Pre-Open Market Outlook(15-09-2010)

All trends are up,On going rally made new high with mixed intraday patterns within 5775-5810 yesterday. As Nifty slipped sharply from day.s higher levels and traded range bound at lower levels of the day with mixed intraday patterns therefore this move will also be considered as intraday correction but confirmation required and that will be acquired from mentioned range break out.

Nifty will move near about mentioned range today and prepare for next moves and sustaining beyond of mentioned range will give next move confirmations. Following 2 possibilities will be considered accoding to break out of mentioned range:-

1- Upward break out(above 5810)- will mean continuation of rally after yesterday intraday correction.
2- Downward break out(below 5775)- will mean minor or very short term correction after 11 sessions 489 points rally and also due to over bought very short term indicators.

3rd wave is on and firstly levels above 6000 and then 6359 will be seen in the coming weeks/months and only it has to be decided today that 6000 will be tested after very short term correction or without any correction. Sustaining below 5770 will mean up move after litle deeper correction and sustaining above 5810 will mean continuation of rally after yesterday intraday correction.

Today trading levels are as follows:-

5875- Expected to test within couple of sessions.
5835- Expected that Nifty will move above it.
5800- Expected that Nifty will sustain above it.
5755- Sopport and expected that will not move below it today.

Opening will depend on global cues and expected that Nifty will finally sustain above 5810 and cross 5835 today.

Post-Open Outlook(14-09-2010)

Strong opening,bull rally is very much on with full force and no profit booking signals today. Run Away rally is on,next trading range is now at higher levels within 5805-5855 and again strong closing today.

Pre-Open Market Outlook(14-09-2010)

Last 13 months trend of corrections(short and intermediate term) after new top has been finished amid blasting global cues and forceful bullish rally has been started now. Although sharp rally started yesterday but about this rally I told more than 10 times in recent past in the following words:-

"No significant resistance between 5550-6000 and sharp upmoves will be seen within this range"

For corrections I am telling following words Since long and repeating today:-

1- Only intraday,minor and short term corrections will be seen.
2- Complete selling patterns are required on intraday and daily charts for short,intermediate term and any deeper correction. Testing of following supports should be considered after above mentioned correction develpments only:-

1- 5575-5585
1- 5475-5500
2- 5350-5380(Strong support and levels below 5380 can not be imagined without complete selling patterns on daily and weekly charts)

Strong bull rally is on cards and keep in mind following 2 Indian market's bull rallies because its repetition is also possible:-

1- Jan 1992 to Apr 1992 rally.
2- Sep 2007 to Dec 2007 rally.

Only difference between above 2 rallies and on going rally is that above 2 were Wave 5 rallies and on going rally is Wave 3 rally. Remain bullish in bull rallies and be bearish only after complete selling patterns.

Today trading levels are as follows:-

5855- Expected that Nifty will not move above it today.
5805- Higher level of today expected range.
5720- Lower level of today expected range.
5675- Expected that Nifty will not move below it today.

Market is heated and very short term indicators are overbought therefore minor intra correction and voltality possibility after some profit booking can not be ruled out. Cooling down of market and flat closing expected today.

Mid-Session Outlook(13-09-2010)

Strong global cues sparked that blast today about which I told more than 10 times in recent past in the following words:-

"No significant resistance between 5550-6000 and sharp upmoves will be seen within this range"

Strong bull rally on cards and keep in mind following 2 Indian market's bull rallies because its repetition is also possible:-

1- Jan 1992 to Apr 1992 rally.
2- Sep 2007 to Dec 2007 rally.

Only difference between above 2 rallies and on going rally is that above 2 were Wave 5 rallies and on going rally is Wave 3 rally.

Remain bullish in bull rallies and be bearish only after complete selling patterns.

Post-Open Outlook(13-09-2010)

Blasting bull rally is on with strong force and last 13 months trend of new high with small up move has been broken now. I am telling since long for sharp blasting upmoves between 5550-6000 and that is being seen at present. Global storm is so high today that Indian markets ignored last 3 sessions Call/Put positions(Calls reduced and puts increased heavily) and shown strong move today. Only minor intraday or very short term corrections may be seen and for any deeper correction market has to prepare completely and only after that any correction will be seen. Buying opportunity should be seen after minor intraday corrections.

Nifty consolidating above 5700 amid blasting Global cues and rally will remain continued.

Pre-Open Market Outlook(13-09-2010)

केजरीवाल जी आज हर कोई ये कह रहा है कि आप नामर्द हैं और आप के बच्चे आप के नहीं बल्कि आप ने अपने करीबी दोस्त से  पैदा करवाये हैं। हम चाहते है इस झूठे प्रोपगेंडे का ठोक कर जबाब दें और उस ऐतिहासिक रात का वीडियो सार्वजानिक सबके सामने साबित करें  कि  आप ही ने "बाप बनने के लिए" रात  में  सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक की थी 