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भाईसाहब गलतियां करने और भ्रष्टाचार करने में अंतर होता है।  कांग्रेस ने जितना काम किया उस से कई गुना ज्यादा किया जा सकता था जो कि निजी फायदे के कारण नहीं किया गया।  इस बात पर विश्वास करने के पर्याप्त प्रमाण है कि पिछले १० साल में हिंदुस्तान पर देशद्रोहियों ने शासन किया है।  जहां तक बिहार में बीजेपी की हार की बात है वो हार बीजेपी की नहीं बल्कि वो तो मुसलमानो ने यादवो और कुर्मियों के साथ मिलकर हिन्दुओं को हराया है।  अगर हिन्दू इसी तरह से बँटता रहा तो सभी हिन्दुओं का वही हश्र होगा जो कश्मीरी ३ लाख हिन्दुओं का हुआ जिनको मार काट और बलात्कार करके भगा दिया गया और हम कायर और स्वार्थी हिन्दू पिछले २५ साल से अपना मुंह काला  करके देख रहे हैं
ॐ जागो हिन्दू जागो ॐ ॐ जागो हिन्दू जागो ॐ ॐ जागो हिन्दू जागो ॐ

इटली की सोनिया की कांग्रेस देशद्रोहियों का गिरोह बन गयी है तभी तो मणी शंकर ऐय्यर और खुर्शीद अहमद खान जैसे पुराने कांग्रेसी पाकिस्तान में जाकर हिंदुस्तानी विरोधी बयान देते हैं और कांग्रेस उसको मूक समर्थन देती है । लानत है ऐसी कांग्रेस पर और उसके समर्थकों पर। अगर कोंग्रेसियों में जरा भी शर्म है तो हिन्द महासागर में जा कर डूब मरो 

जब मुस्लिम वोटों के लालची ये टोपी धारी हमारे बच्चों को भविष्य पिछले 65 सालों से खतरे में डाल रहे हों तो सिर्फ और सिर्फ हिन्दूवादी बीजेपी और मोदी जी वोट और पूरी ताकत से समर्थन हमारे बच्चों के भविष्य के सुरक्छा की गारण्टी और इन्शुरन्स है   

हिन्दुओं पर कलंक ये मुस्लिम टोपी पहनने वाले।  जब कोई मुस्लिम टिका नहीं लगता तो ये क्यों टोपी लगाकर हिन्दुओं को अपमानित करते हैं

क्या ये सच नहीं कि हिंदुस्तान में सेक्युलर का मतलब वो महा नीच और कमीना हिन्दू नेता,पत्रकार और न्यूज़ चैनल जो मुस्लिमों  को खुश करने के  हिन्दुओं का सर्वनाश करने पर तुला हुआ है

85 % मुस्लिम केवल इसलिए बीजेपी के विरुद्ध वोट देते हैं क्यों कि वो हिन्दुओं की बात करती हैं और लानत है हिन्दुओं पर कि हम इस सच्च्चाई को नहीं समझते कि वो आबादी को अपनी ताकत सिर्फ हम हिन्दुओं का सर्वनाश करने के लिए बड़ा रहे हैं याद रखना अगर सोते रहे तो हिंदुस्तान में सिर्फ 1 % ही हिन्दू बचेंगे इसलिए सिर्फ उसका पूरी ताकत से समर्थन करो जो सिर्फ हिन्दू की बात करे


मुस्लिम टोपी पहनकर मुस्लिम वोटों के लिए लालची कुत्तों की तरह पूँछ हिलाने वाले सभी कांग्रेसी और सेक्युलर हिन्दू नेता पहले ये भी अच्छी तरह से समझ लें अगर कहीं कट्टर मुस्लिम हिंदुस्तान को इस्लामिक देश बनाने में सफल हो गए तो सभी हिन्दुओं की तरह उनके बच्चों को भी बराबरी से काटा जायेगा और उनकी भी बहन बेटियों का बलात्कार करने से पहले कोई रहम नहीं किया जायेगा क्यों कि यही क्रूर और काला  इतिहास है और इसी तरह से दुनिया के सभी देशों को इस्लामिक राष्ट्र बनाया गया है 


पाकिस्तानी कलाकारों का समर्थन करने वाले सूअरों की पुरानी लिस्ट(करन जौहर ,आमिर खान,शाहरूफ़ खान और महेश भट्ट) में नया नाम जुड़ गया और वो है 
सूअर सलमान खान

कसम है हर देशभक्त हिंदुस्तानी तुझे भारत माँ  की कि जीवन में न तो कभी भी इन सूअरों की कोई भी फिल्म देखना और जब भी इन में से कोई भी सूअर TV पर नज़र आ जाये तो बिना देर किए चैनल बदल देना

 हमारे मासूम हिन्दुस्तानियों का खून बहाने वाले पाकिस्तानियों और उनसे हमदर्दी रखने वालों सूअरों की हस्ती को हम देशभक्त हिंदुस्तानी मिटा कर  रख देंगे 


वो हिंदुस्तान के गद्दार और हिन्दुओं के दुश्मन हैं जो कहते हैं कि माहोल ख़राब हुआ है।  सच तो ये है कि अब तो आज़ादी के बाद पहली बार माहोल अच्छा हुआ है जब हिन्दुओं ने 65 के सेक्युलर अत्याचार का विरोध करना शुरू किया है। माहोल तो पाकिस्तान का ख़राब था जहाँ पर 


 वर्ण व्यवस्था ख़त्म हो चुकी बीसवीं सदी में।
आज इस दुनिया हर एक हिन्दू
कर्म और सेवा करने में शुद्ध है
ज्ञान में ब्राह्मण है
रणभूमि में क्षत्रिय है और
में बनिया है


कांग्रेस के ६५ साल में हिन्दू की पिटाई और उस पर अत्याचार हिंदुस्तान में भी हुआ एयर पाकिस्तान में भी हुआ

चाहे बीजेपी को वोट दो या न दो चाहे मोदी  जी का समर्थन करो या नहीं करो लेकिन हिन्दू तू जब भी भगवान  की  पूजा करना तब भगवान से ये प्रार्थना जरूर कर लेना कि मोदी जी दीर्घायु हों और अगले 25  सालों हिन्दुस्तान के प्रधान मंत्री रहें क्यों कि बीजेपी के अलावा सभी पार्टियों ने पिछले 65 सालों में मुसलमानो की आबादी को बढ़वा कर हम हिन्दुओं की कब्र खोदने का पूरा इंतज़ाम तो कर ही दिया है। 


कांग्रेस के देशद्रोह और गद्दारी का साक्षात सबूत 
कांग्रेस देशद्रोही और गद्दार है इसका जीता जागता सबूत इस वीडियो में है जिसमें  कांग्रेस के वरिष्ठ नेता हमारे देश के सबसे बड़े दुश्मन पाकिस्तान के साथ पाकिस्तान के अंदर बैठ कर हिदुस्तान की सरकार के विरुद्ध षड़यंत्र कर रहे हैं और यह  कमीने देशद्रोही कोंग्रेसी  पाकिस्तानियों को मोदी को सत्ता से हटाने के लिए उकसा रहा है और उनके आगे भीगी बिल्ली की तरह गिड़ग़िड़ा कर कह रहा है कि "हमें ले आइये इन्हे हटाइये "

लालू को नितीश से ज्यादा सीटों ने साबित कर दिया कि बिहार की पसन्द चारा चोरों का शासन और जंगल राज्य ही है तो उसमें मोदी जी और बीजेपी क्या कर सकते थे? चाडक्य ने कहा है जहाँ की जनता मुर्ख होती है वहां का राजा धूर्त होता है इसीलिए बिहार आज़ादी के 65 साल बाद भी पिछड़ा और बीमारू राज्य है और रहेगा , उसकी मूर्खता का दण्ड है 


हिंदुस्तान के दलाल पत्रकार बिकाऊ 
मीडिया और प्रेस्टीटूट चैनलों 
की यही सच्चाई है 


ये सच तो 100% सिद्ध हो चुका है कि पूरा हिंदुस्तान दो दलोँ  में बंट चुका है :-
1 - मोदी जी के नेतृत्व में देश के सभी राष्ट्रवादी,देश प्रेमी हिन्दू और मुस्लिम ।
२- कांग्रेस ,कम्युनिस्टों और सेक्युलरों के नेतृत्व में देश के सभी देश द्रोही,गद्दार,भ्रष्टाचारी,पाकिस्तान परस्त और हिंदुस्तान को इस्लामिक देश बनाने का सपना देखने वाले कट्टर मुस्लिम
आप किस तरफ हैं :-
1- मोदी जी के लिए COMMENT  करें - 1
2- कांग्रेस ,कम्युनिस्टों और सेक्युलरों के लिए COMMENT  करें - 2
(कृपया जवाब जरूर दें और पूरी ताकत से SHARE करें जिस से ये सच पूरे हिंदुस्तान के कोने कोने तक पहुँचे )

Strong Signals of Short Term Correction in Next Week

Strong Signals of Short Term Correction in Next Week
Technical Analysis,Research & Weekly Outlook
(Apr 13 to Apr 17,2015)
Nifty-Weekly Chart (10-Apr-2015):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in Weekly charts

1- 6357.10 on 08-01-2008(Correction beginning after 15 Years highest formation)
2- 2252.75 on 27-10-2008(9 months correction completion and Wave-1 beginning)
3- Wave-1 (6335.90 on 08-11-2010)
4- Wave-2 (4531.15 on 20-12-2011)
5- Wave-3 (life high formations at 9119.20 on 04-03-2015)

Conclusions from Weekly chart analysis

Impulsive Wave-3 continuation,it has extended above 1.618% and its next extension levels are as follows:-

1- 1.618%- 8,858(extension completed)
2- 1.764%- 9,454
3- 1.886%- 9,952
4- 2.000%- 10,418
5- 2.236%- 11,381
6- 2.618%- 12,941

Nifty-EOD Chart (10-Apr-2015):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
 Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- 5118.85 on 28-08-2013(Wave-1 beginning after 'ABC' correction completion)
2- Wave-1(6415.25 on 09-12-2013)
3- Wave-2(5933.30 on 04-02-2014)
4- Wave-3(8626.95 on 04-12-2014)
5- Wave-4(7961.35 on 17-12-2014)
6- Wave-5(9119.20 on 04-03-2015)
7- Correction completion(Wave-A) with recent bottom formation at 8269.15 on 27-03-2015
8- Pull Back rally continuation(Wave-B) with recent top formation at 8787.40 on 10-04-2015

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis

Correction beginning after Wave-5 completion at 9119.20 on 04-03-2015. As 850(more than 9%) points correction and a strong signal of 5th Wave completion of that impulsive Wave-1 which started from 5118.85 on 28-08-2013 therefore until Nifty will not sustain above all time high(9119.20) till then correction possibility of whole that 4000.35 points rally can not be ruled out which started from 5118.85 and completed at 9119.20.

Broadening Rising Channel Formations

Nifty-EOD Chart (10-Apr-2015):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

8 Months rally in Broadening Rising Channel

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis

Broadening Rising Channel formation started on 08-08-2015 and since then rally continuation within this channel. As Rising Channel therefore it is a Bearish pattern and its valid breaking down will mean possibility deeper correction like 2008 because Channel is such 8 months long. Correction is on and no confirmation of its completion yet therefore view is cautious and sustaining beyond lower rising line of this channel should be watched in the coming weeks for first strong signal of next Long Term Trend.

Waves structure of Wave-5

Nifty-EOD Chart (10-Apr-2015):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- 7961.35 on 17-12-2014(Wave-5 beginning after Wave-4 completion)
2- Sub Wave-1(8445.60 on 05-01-2015)
3- Sub Wave-2(8065.45 on 07-01-2015)
4- Sub Wave-3(8996.60 on 30-01-2015)
5- Sub Wave-4(8470.50 on 10-02-2015)
6- Sub Wave-5 of Wave-5 completion at 9119.20 on 04-03-2015 and correction beginning
7- Correction completion(Wave-A) with recent bottom formation at 8269.15 on 27-03-2015
8- Pull Back rally continuation(Wave-B) with recent top formation at 8787.40 on 10-04-2015
9- Long Term Trend decider 200 Day EMA is today at 8153

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis

Recent bottom formation of on going correction is at 8269.15 and after that Pull Back rally continuation with recent top formation at 8787.40 but correction completion confirmation is still required. Long Term Trend is up and its decider 200-Day EMA is today at 8153 which is 627 points below previous close therefore no threat to Long Term Trend at this moment.

Waves structure of on going Correction

Nifty-EOD Chart (10-Apr-2015):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts

1- Sub Wave-5 of Wave-5 completion at 9119.20 on 04-03-2015 and 'ABC' correction beginning
2- Wave-A(8612 on 16-03-2015)
3- Wave-B(8788.20 on 18-03-2015)
4- Wave-C(8269.15 on 27-03-2015)
5- Pull Back rally with recent top formation at 8787.40 on 10-04-2015 which is just below the top of Wave-B(8788.20)

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis

Wave-B completed at 8788.20 and recent top formation of on going Pull Back rally is at 8787.40 on 10-04-2015 which is just below the top of Wave-B therefore 8788.20 has become crucial now because that will decide Intermediate Term Trend which is sideways between 8269-8788 for the last 15 sessions and should be firstly watched in the beginning of next week.

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (Apr 09 & Apr 10,2015):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in last 2 Sessions intraday charts

1- Lower levels consolidation between 8683-8728 on 09-04-2015
2- Higher levels selling between 8740-8763 on 09-04-2015
3- Up moves in Bearish Rising Channel in last hour on 09-04-2015
4- Most time good selling between 8754-8787 on 10-04-2015
5- 2 Sessions actual trading between 8683-8787

Conclusions from 2 Sessions intra day chart analysis

Although lower levels some supports but higher levels good selling in last 2 sesions therefore emergence down moves possibility as sell as sustaining below last 2 sessions lowest(8683) will mean steel fall.

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (10-Apr-2015):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 8761-8781
2- Selling between 8754-8768
3- Selling between 8777-8787
4- Whole day actual trading between 8733-8787

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis

54 Points sideways market in previous trading sessions(10-04-2015) with closing near the higher levels of the day but almost whole day selling patterns formations therefore strong signals of fresh down moves within first 2 sessions of next week.

Conclusions (After Putting All Studies Together)

Correction started after Wave-5 completion at 9119.20 and last 8 Months rally in Broadening Rising Channel which is such long Bearish pattern also therefore valid breaking down of its lower Rising line will mean emergence of like 2008 deeper correction possibility because in that situation Nifty may correct following big rallies:-

1- 5118.85 from 28-08-20(because its 5 waves have been completed)
2- 4531.15 from 20-12-2011(because its 5 waves have been completed)

Long and Short Term Trends are up and Intermediate Term is sideways between 8269-8788 for the 15 sessions,finally sustaining beyond this range will be strong indication of next decisive moves. Although previous session and week closing near the higher levels of the day day/week but good intraday selling patterns formations in last 2 sessions and Bearish Shooting Star Candlestick formations also in last 2 sessions therefore Strong Signals of Short Term Correction in the beginning of Next Week. Next trend will be decided through sustaining beyond Intermediate Term deciding levels(8269-8788) and should be finally watched in the coming week/weeks.

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Rally is confirm

Pre-Open Market Outlook(03-06-2010)

Nifty got good support between 4963-5000 yesterday and moved up. All the Asian markets are strong after US markets strong gains yesterday. Technically Indian markets are getting good support above 200-Day EMA and if US markets does not show any break down then strong rally is confirm in Indian markets.

Next resistance range is 5050-5090 and after sustaining above it next resistance range is 5160-5210. Long term and short term trends are up and intermediate term will be up after sustaining above 5213. It is very much expected that intermediate term will be up in the coming sessions.

Gap up opening today and after that next resistance range(5050-5090) will be tested. This range will be crossed now and Indian markets will close positive today. Rally in Indian markets is confirm now.

(Lalit Kumar Dhingra)


Pre-Open Market Outlook(02-06-2010)

200-Day EMA is long term trend decider and it has capacity to finalise that a fanancial market is in Bullish phase or Bearish. All the global marketsare either comfortably below it or struggling to surrvise Bullish markets near it barring Indian and Germany markets which are comfortably above it. US markets fought 200-Day EMA yesterday but failed and closed at Day's lowest and below it. Dow's sustaining below 9800 will mean confirmed bearish markets in US and that will certainly have negative impact on global stock markets also.

Indian markets got resistance below 5100 and slipped yesterday after whole day deep Red trading US futures. Indian markets are above 200-Day EMA(today at 4903) and until does not sustain below it till then view will remain Bullish with cautious approach. Nifty got good support between 4860-4880 in last week and if on going down trend get support at or above 4860 then up moves will be seen and Bullish market will survive which is at stake at this moment.

Steep fall was seen yesterday but last 2 hours intraday patterns between 4963-5000 are showing consolidation signals and if Nifty moves above 5000 after some more consilidation today then it will be positive for Indian markets and fresh upmoves will be seen. Above mentioned last 2 hours consolidation range will give direction to Indian markets and if Nifty sustains above 5000 then more upmoves may also be seen after some more consolidations between 5050-5080. Long term trend is up in Indian markets and will remain up if major set backs are not seen in global markets.

Asian markets are positive today morning despite more tham 1% fall in US markets therefore positive opening and firstly trading between 4963-5000 expected today and also expected that Nifty will cross 5000 finally and Indian markets will also close in Green today.

Mid-Session Outlook(01-06-2010)

Dow's futures was trading more than 60 points down and resultant all Asian markets were down. As weakness suspected in Indian markets therefore Pre-Open Market Outlook was revised today morning. Dow's futures slipped again and now trading more than 130 points down therefore weakness deepened in Indian markets despite bullish technical development yesterday. All the global markets are reacting European uncertainities and seems that until things will not settle till than sharp voltality will be seen. If Nifty get support at 4860 or above in melting global markets then recovery in Indian markets can be expected. Indian markets slipping and long positions should be considered only after strong supports getting signals at or above 4860.

Watch 5020-5070 forn next move confirmations

Pre-Open Market Outlook-2 (01-06-2010)

Dow's futures slipped more than 60 points therefore all Asian markets are trading in Red. US markets closed 1% down last Friday and today weak trading futures is giving caution signal. Indian markets will open weak and will trade and prepare for next move within last 2 days trading range 5020-5070. As global uncertainity was the major reason of previous correction therefore above mentioned last 2 days trading will give next move confirmation even after yeaterday break out and closing above.

5160 will be tested positively if Nifty crosses 5070 but after slipping global market signals next move preperation should be watched first within last 2 days trading range.

(Lalit Kumar Dhingra)

Technical Analysis Basic & Advance online Courses

Technical Analysis Courses 
Basic & Advance online Courses for becoming Master of Technical Analysis,trading and Investments  

We teach following Technical Analysis Chapters:

1- Intraday charts analysis(Only we teach all basics and advanced analysis because we are having more than 18 years experience of Intraday charts analysis)
2- Market Psychology(All minute points will be covered which are must for intraday and Short Term Trading) 
3- Concept of Trend
4- Trendlines
5- Supports and Resistances
6- Bar Reversals
7- Reversal Patterns
8- Continuation Patterns
9- Gaps and Trading
10- Candlestick Chart Patterns
11- Moving Averages with their setting and applications for all types of trading(intraday,swing,positional and Short to Long Term investments)
12- Oscillators(Indicators) with their setting and applications for all types of trading(intraday,swing,positional and Short to Long Term investments)
13- Elliot Wave Theory(This theory is applicable in all financial markets)
14- Dow Theory
15- Gann Rules and Techniques
16- Levels calculations with Trading Strategies
17- Fibonacci Ratios and its application
18- Trading Volumes and Open Interest
19- Ratios
20- Derivatives 
21- Application of all analysis for trading with Trading strategies(Putting all studies together)

Program Highlights:

1- Online and offline study material
2- Online trade discussion and replying of all queries and clearing all doubts 
3- Practical sessions during trading hours

Course Duration:

Online Class Timings: Weekends- 09:00-13:00(Subject to change according to the convenience of students)

Duration : 

1- 6 hours per weekend for 12 weeks to 24 weeks
2- Practical sessions during trading hours-100 times through Yahoo Messenger and phone also if required.

"Free Intraday & Positional Trading Software"

Free settings of a leading 'Indian Broking House Trading Software' will also be given to all my students which will generate signals for:-

1- Intraday trading
2- Positional Trading 
3- Investments

(These settings have been developed after years of Our research)

Contact Us

Just call us and then Fee structure will be given according to yours requirements

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+91 993 500 6507   
+91 988 999 7271

accurate predictions

Pre-open Outlook(01-12-2011)

When all the global markets are blasting and SGX Nifty is more than 160 points up then anyone can say for strong Indian markets but when;-

1- When global markets were dipping
2- When FIIs were selling
3- When Indian Rupeee was sliping
4- When most of the News Channels were telling for most bearish markets
5- When most of the experts were telling for Bearish markets and also updating for Nifty at 4500/4200/4000/3800/3500 

Then we started to tell for Bullish Indian markets from 23-11-2011and repeated 16 times again and again daily in 4 Forums,2 News Papers and in our Website.

Those live proofs are as follows which all will always accept and no one can deny and if anybody have any doubt then can verify on his own from any of above mentioned updating sources;-

1- Confirmation required for 64 sessions range(4720) breaking down(23-11-2011)
Indian markets are prepared for a strong bounce back and if Nifty sustains above 4720 then strong pull back rally will be seen.

2- Mid-session Outlook(24-11-2011)
As two sessions support above 4640 therefore until Nifty will not sustain 4640 till then any down move will not be considered and sustaing above 4678 will be confirmation of fresh up moves after correction completion therefore should be kept in mind.

3- Pre-Closing Outlook(24-11-2011)
Nifty moved above 4720 after getting strong support at 4640 and again entered between 64 sessions range. More up moves are expected after correction completion confirmations.

4- Pull Back rally is on after correction completion(24-11-2011)
Pull Back Rally commenced after correction completion today and crossing as well as sustaining above 4890 will be confirmation of strong up moves.

5- Up move expectations were told at 10:12:00 AM on Post-open Outlook(25-11-2011)
As first 45 minutes intraday patterns showed consolidations patterns between 4700-4720 therefore up move expectations are alive after follow up consolidations despite depressing global sentiment.

6- Bearish view was not told despite Red closing in Pre-Closing Outlook(25-11-2011)
As clear consolidation patterns at lower levels today therefore view is not bearish despite Red closing today.

7- Bearish view was not told despite Red closing in Pre-Closing Outlook(25-11-2011)
As clear consolidation patterns at lower levels today therefore view is not bearish despite Red closing today

8- Bullish market was proved on 26-11-2011 in Pull Back Rally will continue in next week and following line was told:-
Pull Back Rally has begun in previous week and will remain continued in the coming week.

9- Pull Back Rally is on (28-11-2011)
 finally up moves will be seen today and previous week started Pull Back Rally will remain continued with today positive market.

10- Mid-session Outlook(28-11-2011)
 finally continuation of rally is expected after consolidations.

11- Bullish Bombs ready to Blast(28-11-2011)
expected that mentioned resistance will be crossed and bullish rally will continue in the coming sessions.

12- Technical Analysis and Research For 29-12-2011
 strong bullish indication therefore continuation of previous week rally will be seen in this week.

13- Fibonacci Retracement Levels(28-Nov-2011):
Pull Back Rally begun after its completion on 24-11-2011 at 4640. Fibonacci Retracement Levels of on going up moves are as follows:-

14- Nifty-Micro Analysis of Intra Day Chart For 30-11-2011
Technically Indian markets are riped for a strong Pull Back Rally

15- Rally will contine within most Crucial Trend deciding Range(30-Nov-2011)
intraday charts of yesterday are showing consolidation patterns therefore firstly continuation of rally is expected within 65 Sessions range(4720-5229).

16- Pre-Closing Outlook(30-11-2011)
As intraday consolidation pateerns today also and continuation of rally expected in the coming sessions.

We are having  more than 4 Years record of such accurate Indian markets predictions

Pivot,Woodie,Camarilla & DeMark's levels

Just Fill Up all 4 Columns 

The Pivot Calculator is powered by



Today i will explain one more Trading System which is known as CAMARILLA Pivot Point which will come Handy for Day Trading Purpose.
Origins of the Camarilla Equation:
Discovered while day trading in 1989 by Nick Stott, a successful bond trader in the financial markets, which uses a truism of nature to define market action – namely that most time series have a tendency to revert to the mean. In other words, when markets have a wide spread between the high and low the day before, they tend to reverse and retreat back towards the previous day’s close. Input to the Systems is yesterday’s open, high, low and close. These levels are, frankly, astounding in their accuracy as regards day trading, even to seasoned traders, who know all about support and resistance, pivot points and so on.

Camarilla Equation Levels:
The Camarilla Equation produces 8 levels from yesterday’s open, high, low and close. These levels are split into two groups, numbered 1 to 4. The pattern formed by the 8 levels is broadly symmetrical, and the most important levels are the ‘L3′, ‘L4′ and ‘H3′, ‘H4′ levels. While day trading, traders look for the market to reverse if it hits an ‘L3′ or ‘H3′ level. They would then open a position AGAINST the trend, using a stop loss somewhere before the associated ‘L4′ or ‘H4′ level. 

The second way to try day trading with the Camarilla Equation is to regard the ‘H4′ and ‘L4′ levels as ‘breakout’ levels – in other words to go WITH the trend if prices push thru either the H4 or L4 level. This essentially covers all the bases – Day Trading within the H3 and L3 levels enables you to capture all the wrinkles that intraday market movement throws up, and the H4 – L4 breakout plays allow the less experienced trader to capitalise on relatively low risk sharp powerful movements.

How to use this system:
Look at the opening price for the stock/futures/commodities/currency.
Scenario 1
Open price is between H3 and L3

For Long

Wait for the price to go below L3 and then when it moves back above L3, buy. Stoploss will be when price moves below L4. Target1 – H1, Target2 – H2, Target3 – H3
For Short Sell

Wait for the price to go above H3 and then when the price moves back below H3, sell. Stoploss will be when price moves above H4. Target1 – L1, Target2 – L2, Target3- L3
Scenario 2
Open price is between H3 and H4

For Long

When price moves above H4, buy. Stoploss when price goes below H3. Target – 0.5% to 1%
For Short Sell
When the price goes below H3, sell. Stopless when prices moves above H4. Target1 – L1, Target2 – L2, Target3- L3
Scenario 3
Open price is between L3 and L4
For Long
When price moves above L3, buy. Stoploss when price moves below L4. Target1 – H1, Target2 – H2, Target3 – H3
For Short Sell
When the price goes below L4, sell. Stoploss when price moves above L3. Target – 0.5% to 1%
Scenario 4
Open price is outside the H4 and L4
Wait for the prices to come in range and trade accordingly.

Nifty Chart


SB A/C NO.-10671541204,


SB A/C NO.-000701052026.


SB A/C NO.- 04531000048844


SB A/C NO.-2223000101221408

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