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Bears will welcome in 2015

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (31-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 8268-8080
2- Selling Patterns formations at higher levels between 8280-8291
3- Whole day actual trading between 8251-8291

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although most time positive zone trading with closing near the higher levels of the day but good selling seen today therefore fresh down moves will be seen in the coming sessions.

As selling seen in previous sessions also therefore expected that finally down moves will be seen below 8218/8155/7961.35 and Bear will welcome in 2015.

Fresh Down Moves Possibility despite today Closing near the Higher Levels

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(31-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (30-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Consolidation and supports between 8221-8237
2- Whole day actual trading between 8221-8268

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Following line was told today at 10:17 AM in Mid-session Outlook(30-12-2014)

sustaining beyond 8218-8286 should be watched for next decisive move confirmations.

Nifty traded between 8220.55-8268.25 with lower levels consolidations today but higher levels selling was seen within following ranges on:-

1- 29-12-2014 between 8260-8279
2- 24-12-2014 between 8218-8286

Although selling above 8218 on 24-12-2014 but not slipping below it today despite most depressed Asian markets because Union Cabinet approved amendment to Land Acquisiton Act after Indian Stock Market closing yesterday. As consolidation and supports above 8218 between 8221-8237 today therefore firstly sustaining below 8221 should be watched for next down moves confirmations.

Although Nifty closed near the higher levels of today but lower levels supports between 8221-8237 are not strong and until Nifty will not sustain above 8286 till then decisive up moves will not be considered. It must be kept in mind that failure to cross or sustain above 8286 and fresh selling below or near about 8286 will mean high possibility of fresh sharp down moves below 8218.

As strong indications of corrective Wave'C' continuation towards and below 7961.35 after Wave'B' termination at 8364 on 23-12-2014 therefore expected that Nifty will not sustain above 8286 and fresh down moves will be seen below 8218 after fresh selling below or near about 8286 within next 2/3 days.  

Mid-session Outlook(30-12-2014)

As Union Cabinet cleared ordinance to ease land acquisitions in reforms push after market yesterday therefore Indian markets are flat to positive despite good selling at higher levels yesterday. Certainly view is cautious after such encouraging development and firstly sustaining beyond 8218-8286 should be watched for next decisive move confirmations.

Correction continuation despite 0.56% Positive closing on 29-12-2014

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (29-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 8260-8279(recent resistance) 
2- Whole day actual trading between 8240-8279

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although Nifty closed 0.56% up today but good selling between 8260-8279 therefore strong indications of slipping below day's actual trading lowest(8240). Selling between 8218-8286 on 24-12-2014 and selling seen within this range today also therefore strong indications of corrective Wave'C' continuation towards and below 7961.35 after Wave'B' termination at 8364 on 23-12-2014.
As I was out of station therefore Today Outlook is not being updated but tomorrow Outlook will be positively posted before the opening of tomorrow market.

Correction below 7961 and towards 7698/7637

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(26-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (24-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 8253-8286
2- Follow up selling between 8218-8256
3- Whole day actual trading between 8155-8286

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Following lines were told yesterday in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(24-12-2014):-

As last 3 hours trading between 8252-8294 with mixed Patterns formations therefore Nifty will firstly prepare for next moves within and near about this range  

As was told 100% same happened and Nifty firstly traded more than 2 hours as well as prepare for next decisive moves within mentioned range between 8253-8286 today.

Following lines were also told yesterday in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(24-12-2014):-

1- Next supports(weaker) are between 8229-8251
2- once sustaining below 8229 will mean sharp fall.

We clearly told weaker supports and this support broken down forcefully after almost 3 hours follow up selling between 8218-8256.

Although Nifty closed near the top of the day on 22-12-2014 but we were not Bullish and told following conclusive lines in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(23-12-2014):-

1- It should be kept in mind that Wave'B' is on and it should terminate below the top of Wave-5(8626.95)
2- Whenever intraday selling patterns will develop then that will be first signal of Wave'B' completion and Wave'C' beginning for fresh down moves below the lowest of Wave'A'(7961.35)

Wave'C' is on after good selling in last 2 sessions and same view which was told on 21-12-2014 in Correction Continuation Possibility below 7961.35

high possibility of down moves below 7961.35 

Wave'B' terminated at 8364 and Wave'C' is continued. Wave'A' corrected 666 points and  Wave'C' may also retrace 666 points therefore possibility of correction towards 7698(8364-666) can not be ruled out. Correction is on,Intermediate Term and Short Term Trends are down and testing of Long Term Trend decider 200-Day EMA(7637) is also possible because it is little below 7698.

Finally correction is very much on and its continuation is expected in the coming sessions.Until complete consolidation will not happen on EOD charts till then correction completion will not be considered.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(24-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (23-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- 2 Hours selling between 8346-8364
2- Last 3 hours trading between 8252-8294 with mixed Patterns formations (Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel at lower levels and minor selling patterns near 8294)
3- Whole day actual trading between 8252-8364

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Following lines were told yesterday in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(23-12-2014)

Next resistances are between 8320-8370 and Nifty closed within this range today,firstly sustaining it beyond should be watched tomorrow for Pull Back rally continuation/completion

Resistances are between 8320-8370 was told and Nifty could not move above 8370 as well as slipped below 8320 after follow up selling within mentioned resistance range. It should be kept in mind that resistances within 8320-8370 have been strengthened today because follow up selling within this range and until complete consolidation will not happen till then Nifty will not move above 8370.

As last 3 hours trading between 8252-8294 with mixed Patterns formations therefore Nifty will firstly prepare for next moves within and near about this range and sustaining beyond this range will be first strong indication of next decisive moves.

Next supports(weaker) are between 8229-8251 and finally sustaining beyond this range should be watched in the coming sessions and should be kept in mind that once sustaining below 8229 will mean sharp fall.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(23-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (22-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Firstly more than 4 hours trading with mixed Patterns formations between 8229-8251
2- Forceful up moves after sharp 55 points jump of  Dow's Futures.
3- Whole day actual trading between 8229-8330

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

As strong Asian markets therefore positive opening and after that more than 4 hours trading with minor gains and mixed Patterns formations between 8229-8251 but sharp 55 points jump of  Dow's Futures at 01:20 PM and resultant Indian markets also moved up forcefully.

Selling between 8243-8263 last Friday and this range was crossed forcefully therefore Pull Back rally remain continued. Next resistances are between 8320-8370 and Nifty closed within this range today,firstly sustaining it beyond should be watched tomorrow for Pull Back rally continuation/completion. It should be kept in mind that Wave'B' is on and it should terminate below the top of Wave-5(8626.95). Whenever intraday selling patterns will develop then that will be first signal of Wave'B' completion and Wave'C' beginning for fresh down moves below the lowest of Wave'A'(7961.35)

Mid-session Outlook(22-12-2014)

As strong Asian markets therefore firstly positive opening and after that more than 4 hours trading with minor gains but sharp 55 points jump of  Dow's Futures was seen at 01:20 PM and resultant Indian markets also moved up sharply. Although on the back of strong Global cues but Nifty moved up forcefully above last Friday selling range(8243-8263) therefore Pull Back rally continuation will be seen.
Correction Continuation Possibility below 7961.35

Technical Analysis,Research & Weekly Outlook
(Dec 22 to Dec 26,2014)

Nifty-EOD Chart (19-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in EOD charts:-

1- 5933.30 on 04-02-2014(Rally beginning after correction completion)
2- Wave-1(6869.85 on 25-04-2014)
3- Wave-2(6638.55 on 08-05-2014)
4- Wave-3(8180.20 on 08-09-2014)
5- Wave-4(7723.85 on 17-10-2014)
6- Wave-5(8626.95 on 04-12-2014) and 'ABC' correction beginning.
7- Wave'A' completion at 7961.35 on 17-12-2013
8- Wave'B' continuation with its recent top formation at 8263.45 on 19-12-2013 

Conclusions from EOD chart analysis

we told also following line on 12-05-2014 in Minimum target of  Nifty at 8616.90:-

Nifty is well set for rally towards minimum target at 8616.90. 

8616.90 was told 6 months before and Nifty made intraday highest at 8617 on 28-11-2014 as well as immediately corrected 666 points after forming life time high formation at 8626.95.

When Nifty formed all time high at 8616.90 on 04-12-2014 then at the top of rally we posted following bearish Outlook at 08:02 AM on 05-12-2014 in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(05-12-2014):-

emergence of correction possibility which may be minimum Short Term to Intermediate term

As was told 100% same happened and Nifty corrected 666 points after ours above prediction.

Now Wave'B' of 'ABC' correction is on after 10 months strong 2693 points strong rally which started from 5933.30 on 04-02-2014 and ended after many times new life time high formation at 8626.95 on 04-12-2014 and Corrective Wave'A' begun which completed at 7961.35 on 17-12-2013. 

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (19-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling(immediate Resistance) between 8243-8263
2- Whole day actual trading between 8209-8263

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Gap up opening after strong Global cues but higher levels sliing patterns were formation were also seen therefore down moves below day's lowest(8209) are expected. As good selling seen therefore until complete consolidation will not be seen till then up moves above day's highest(8263) will not be seen.

Conclusions (After Putting All Studies Together)

'ABC' correction is confirm and if complete consolidation happens after completion of Wave'C' only then correction completion will be considered otherwise 5 Waves correction(1,2,3,4,5) will be seen in the coming weeks/months. As good selling on 19-12-2014 therefore if follow up selling develops in the beginning of next week then fresh down moves will be seen below the bottom of Wave'A'(7961.35) which will mean Wave'c' beginning after the completion of Wave'B'.

Correction is on and its continuation is expected in the beginning of next week because good selling at higher levels last Friday as well as high possibility of down moves below 7961.35 after completion of Wave'B' at 8263.45 on 19-12-2013.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(19-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (18-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Consolidation between 8085-8115
2- Last 2 hours up moves with consolidations
3- Whole day actual trading between 8085-8174

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Firstly lower levels consolidations after huge gap up opening and after that last 2 hours up moves with consolidations also therefore today started Pull Back Rally continuation will be seen tomorrow.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(18-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (17-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Lower levels consolidations.
2- Down moves in Bullish Falling Channels
3- Whole day actual trading between 7961-8082

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Firstly lower levels consolidations and after that up moves with consolidation pattern of down moves in Bullish Falling Channels therefore up moves in the form of Pull Back rally are expected tomorrow.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(17-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (16-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Whole day slipping from higher levels
2- Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel

  1. Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Correction is on and and 1.85% slipping after most depressing Global markets cues yesterday. Although whole day slipping from higher levels but down moves in Bullish Falling Channel were also seen therefore only some up moves and Pull Back Rally will be considered at this moment.

Technical Position of Nifty is as follows:-

1- Long Term Trend is up,
2- Intermediate and Short Term Trends are down
3- Corrective Wave-A is on. Wave-B(upward) and Wave-C(below yesterday lowest) are still left.

It should be kept in mind that until complete consolidation will not happen on Daily Charts till then fresh rally will not be seen. As Indicators are oversold therefore Pull Back Rally or Wave-B(upward) will be seen after 2/3 days consolidation.  

Pre-open Outlook(16-12-2014)

As US markets and all the European markets closed in deep Red yesterday therefore all the Asian markets are trading in negative zone since opening today. Seems crashing like situation in all the Global markets therefore Indian markets will not be spared and resultant gap down opening will be seen. Correction is on and its continuation will be seen after such high Global markets pressure.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(16-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (15-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Most time trading between 8204-8242 with down moves in Bullish Falling Channels within this range 
2- Whole day trading between 8153-8242

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although huge gap down opening after most depressing most Global markets but strong more than 50 points recovery in first 3 minutes and most time trading within 38 points between 8204-8242 with down moves in Bullish Falling Channels within this range therefore emergence of fresh up moves expectations tomorrow despite SGX Nifty is now trading 52 points down.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(15-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (12-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 8309-8321 
2- Selling between 8278-8293
3- Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel
4- Whole day actual trading between 8273-8321

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

25 sessions trading between 8290-8627 with good selling at higher levels and this range was broken down but Nifty closed above 8290 on 11-12-2014. Firstly higher levels selling above 8290 and after that follow up selling near about 8290 as well as closing below it on 12-12-2014 which is first indication of 25 sessions trading range broken down. As almost last 3 hours down moves in Bullish Falling Channel therefore only Pull Back Rally possibility will be considered at this moment.

Short Term Trend is down and Intermediate Term Trend will turn down after confirmation of sustaining below 8390 which will mean down trend from 3 weeks to 3 months.Correction is on and until complete consolidation will not happen till then its completion will not be seen and that correction continuation will be considered for which we told in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(05-12-2014).  

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(12-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (11-Dec-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel
2- Consolidation between 8273-8285
3- Up moves in Bearish Rising Channel
4- Selling between 8330-8348 
5- Whole day actual trading between 8273-8348

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Following lines were told in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(05-12-2014):-

1- emergence of correction possibility which may be minimum Short Term to Intermediate term.
2- deeper correction will be considered only after sustaining below 8290

Minimum Short Term to Intermediate term correction possibility was told on 05-12-2014 and since then continuous down moves seen in almost all the previous sessions. Importance of  8290 was also told and it was tested today as well as today closing is also near about it at 8292.90.

As highly volatile market with consolidation below 8290 and selling above it therefore today intraday patterns will be understood mixed and more follow up technical positions formations is firstly required for next decisive moves beyond today trading range. Sustaining beyond 8273-8348 should be firstly watched in the coming sessions for:-

1- Much deeper correction below 8273
2- First signal of correction completion above 8348(same level was given yesterday also and today highest is at 8348.30)

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(11-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (10-Dec-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Consolidation between 8317-8334
2- Follow up consolidation between 8334-8348
3- Whole day actual trading between 8317-8376

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Firstly lower levels good consolidations but not sustaining at higher levels also therefore some more higher levels consolidations is firstly required for next decisive up moves above today highest.

Correction is on but Whole day Bullish Falling Channel formation yesterday and lower levels good consolidations also today therefore emergence of first signal of on going correction completion. As good selling at higher levels in previous weeks therefore more consolidation is required for fresh rally and new life time highest formations.

As consolidation between 8317-8348 today therefore sustaining beyond this range should be firstly watched tomorrow for:-

1- Correction continuation below 8317
2- First signal of on going correction completion above 8348

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(10-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (09-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Whole day down moves in Bullish Falling Channel
2- Whole day actual trading between 8330-8444

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although slipping 114 points from higher levels but whole day down moves in Bullish Falling Channel therefore only Pull Back rally will be considered at this moment because correction is on and its completion will be seen after complete consolidations.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(09-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (08-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 8507-8546 in first 3 hours
2- Mixed Patterns between 8432-8466 in last 3 hours
3- Whole day actual trading between 8432-8546

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although Nifty closed 25 points up on 04-12-2014 after new life time high formation at 8626.95 but we told for correction in following lines in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(05-12-2014)

1- emergence of correction possibility which may be minimum Short Term to Intermediate term
2-  It is confirm that once slipping and sustaining below 8527 will mean sharp down possibility. 

Only and only correction was told in previous both sessions Outlooks and Nifty closed:-

1- 25 points down on 05-Dec-2014
2- 100 points down on 08-Dec-2014

Minimum target of Nifty at 8616.90 was told on 12-05-2014 in following topic:-

Firstly Nifty achieved our target and then corrected 195 points after forming life time high at 8626.95 on 04-12-2014.

Although Nifty closed near the lowest of the day today after first 3 hours selling but mixed Patterns formations also seen between 8432-8466 in last 3 hours therefore firstly sustaining it beyond should be watched tomorrow because sufficient consolidation was also seen in last 3 hours today. 

Correction is on and only minor signal of its completion because mixed Patterns formations today therefore firstly follow up moves with sustaining beyond 8432-8466 must be watched tomorrow for deeper correction confirmations below 8432 and fresh rally after correction completion confirmations above 8466.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(08-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (05-Dec-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 8567-8583 
2- Selling between 8557-8567 
3- Whole day actual trading between 8525-8583

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

we told also following line on 12-05-2014 in Minimum target of  Nifty at 8616.90:-

Nifty is well set for rally towards minimum target at 8616.90. 

8616.90 was told 6 months before and Nifty made intraday highest at 8617 on 28-11-2014

Following line was told at 08:02 AM on 05-12-2014 in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(05-12-2014):-

emergence of correction possibility

As was told 100% same happened and Nifty closed -0.30% down after more than 3 hours positive zone trading but more than 5 hours follow up selling. 

Certainly correction is on and its continuation is expected as well as until complete consolidation will not happen till then correction will remain continued. 

Next possibilities with all crucial levels have already been updated in following topic on 05-12-2014,just go through following topic link and prepare yourself for coming sessions trading:-

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(05-12-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (04-Dec-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Most time trading between 8527-8578
2- Up moves in Bearish Rising Channel
3- Whole day actual trading between 8527-8626

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

All trends are up but Bearish Rising Channel formations in last 22 sessions between 8290-8627 and Oscillators are showing negative divergence also therefore emergence of correction possibility which may be minimum Short Term to Intermediate term. As Bull markets complete its correction within sideways markets therefore deeper correction will be considered only after sustaining below 8290.  

Although new life time high formation after huge gap up opening yesterday but slipping sharply also immediately after opening and most time trading between 8527-8578 with Up moves in Bearish Rising Channel therefore view will not be Bullish until complete consolidation will not be seen and Nifty will not sustain above 8578. It is confirm that once slipping and sustaining below 8527 will mean sharp down possibility. 

Last 8 sessions trading between 8430-8627 with following supports and resistances:-

1- Supports between 8430-8490(Strong supports)
2- Supports between 8506-8543(Weaker supports)
3- Resistances between 8590-8618(Strong resistances)

As forceful break out above 8618 will be next up move confirmation and sustaining below 8430 will be first strong signal of deeper correction therefore sustaining beyond 8430-8618 will be next decisive moves confirmation and should be firstly watched in the coming sessions. 
Sorry to say that I could not update the Blog yesterday  because I was extremely busy after the marriage of my son but It is confirm that regular updation of Blog will positively restart from tomorrow.
As marriage in our family therefore next Outlook will be updated on 03-12-2014

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(27-11-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (26-Nov-2014):-
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Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Consolidation between 8438-8457
2- Mixed Patterns between 84381-8500
3- Whole day actual trading between 8439-8500

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Following line was told at 01:09 on 26-11-2014 in Mid-session Outlook(26-11-2014):-

As lower levels good consolidation today therefore high possibility of trading above 8500

As was told 100% same happened and Nifty traded at 8500.30 yesterday

As lower levels good consolidation and higher levels mixed patterns formations were seen therefore lower levels good supports and higher levels weaker resistances will be understood. Although Nifty slipped from higher levels after good recovery from lower levels but clear selling patterns were not seen at higher levels therefore up moves hopes are alive after follow up consolidations in the coming sessions.

Very Short Term correction is on and emergence of  correction completion expectations also generated after lower levels consolidations yesterday. At present Nifty is sideways between 8439-8535 and will firstly trade/prepare within this range as well as  valid break out of this range will result next big moves.

Mid-session Outlook(26-11-2014)

As lower levels good consolidation today therefore high possibility of trading above 8500 after yesterday started correction completion.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(26-11-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (25-Nov-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Mixed Patterns between 8458-8490 
2- Consolidation between 8430-8451
3- Whole day actual trading between 8430-8535

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

As selling pattern of slow up moves in last 3 hours on 24-11-2014 therefore very short term correction was seen yesterday but lower levels good consolidation was also seen therefore emergence of correction completion expectations also. Nifty traded between 8458-8490 with mixed Patterns formations and follow up moves with sustaining beyond this range will be next decisive moves first indication.

Although more than 1% down moves from intraday higher levels yesterday but as such good selling patterns were not seen in last 2 sessions and on the other hand lower levels good consolidation was also seen therefore rally continuation hopes above 8535 are still alive after follow up consolidations in the coming sessions.

As all the Asian markets are flat today morning after quiet closing of US markets yesterday therefore Nifty will remain firstly sideways today between 8430-8490 and prepare for next decisive moves as well as sustaining beyond this range will be first strong indication next big moves.
Minimum target of Nifty at 8616.90

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook
Nifty-Intra Day Chart (24-Nov-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Consolidation between 8490-8510 
2- Slow Up Moves
3- Whole day actual trading between 8490-8534

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Not only today but we told also following line on 12-05-2014 in Minimum target of Nifty at 8616.90

Nifty is well set for rally towards minimum target at 8616.90. 

As was told 6 months before same has been almost happened and after highest formations at 8534.65 yesterday.

Following line was told on 23-11-2014 in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(24-11-2014)

finally rally continuation above 8500 is expected in the coming session.

As was told same happened and Nifty traded as well as closed above 8500 yesterday.

Firstly more than 3 hours lower levels good consolidation and supports yesterday but after that slow up moves were seen which is a selling signal therefore follow up consolidation is required for decisive up moves above yesterday highest. As good supports between 8490-8510 yesterday therefore until Nifty will not sustain below it till then any decisive down moves will not be considered. Expected that rally will remain continued above yesterday highest after follow up consolidations in the coming sessions.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(24-11-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (21-Nov-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Most time trading between 8449-8489
2- Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel
3- Bullish Falling Wedge formations in last hour.
4- Whole day actual trading between 8399-8489

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Most time trading between 8449-8489 with following Bullish indications:-

1- Firstly forceful up moves in first hour.
2- Down moves in Bullish Falling Channel patters formations.
3- Bullish Falling Wedge formations in last hour.

As above Bullish signals after life time high formations and no selling signals seen therefore finally rally continuation above 8500 is expected in the coming session.

Post-open Outlook(21-11-2014)

Now trading in last resistance range after forceful up moves immediately after opening and now high possibility of upward break out of last 12 sessions range(8290-8456)

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(21-11-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (20-Nov-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Consolidation between 8354-8370
2- Minor selling at higher levels in last half hour
3- Whole day actual trading between 8354-8410

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Following lines were told at 07:29 AM yesterday in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(20-11-2014):- 

Nifty will be understood sideways between 8360-8454 and sustaining beyond this range will be next immediate moves first indication below 8360 and confirmation above 8454.

As was told almost same happened and Nifty traded sideways between 8354-8410 as well as closed within mentioned range at 8,401.90 yesterday.

It was a volatile day yesterday and recovery was seen after lower levels consolidations but minor selling was also seen at higher levels therefore still Nifty will be understood sideways and Nifty will trade as well as prepare for next big moves between within last 12 sessions trading range(8290-8456)

Let Nifty prepare for next big moves between 8290-8456 then break out direction will be updated from intraday charts analysis in the same manner as being done for the last more than 4 years.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(20-11-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (19-Nov-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 8420-8431 
2- Consolidation between 8360-8373
3- Whole day actual trading between 8360-8452

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

As Bearish Rising Wedge formation on 17-11-2014 and good selling on 18-11-2014 therefore following line was told on 18-11-2014 in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(19-11-2014):- 

Nifty will slip below today lowest(8,407.25) as well as very Short Term correction will be seen in the coming sessions. 

As was told 100% same happened and Nifty slipped below 8,407.25 as well as closed at 8,382.30 on 19-11-2014

All trends are up and very Short Term correction seen yesterday but lower levels consolidation was also seen therefore Nifty will be understood sideways between 8360-8454 and sustaining beyond this range will be next immediate moves first indication below 8360 and confirmation above 8454.

Indian markets are most Bullish and Nifty turned sideways for the last 11 sessions between 8290-8456 after strong rally on 30 and 31-Oct-2014. As Bullish markets correct sideways and range bound mode also therefore this possibility will be considered at this moment. 

Nifty will trade and prepare for next big moves between 8290-8456 in the coming sessions because both higher levels selling and equally good consolidation also at lower levels and sustaining beyond or forceful break out of this range will be confirmation therefore should be watched for confirmation.

Mid-session Outlook-2(19-11-2014)

Follow up selling confirmation between 8424-8431 today

Mid-session Outlook(19-11-2014)

Very short Term correction with slipping below 8407.25 was expected and Nifty slipped also 40 points immediately after opening but consolidation with supports seen today after lowest formation at 8412.30.

Although Nifty is now trading  in Red but both lower levels buying and higher levels selling seen between 8412-8454 today and yesterday therefore firstly sustaining beyond this range should be watched for next moves first strong indication.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(19-11-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (18-Nov-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 8438-8454 
2- Selling between 8426-8436 
3- Whole day actual trading between 8408-8454

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

As Bearish Rising Wedge formation seen in last hour yesterday therefore following lines were told today at 06:52 AM in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(18-11-2014):-  

1- break out confirmation is must through sustaining above 8415/8438
2- sustaining beyond 8405-8438 will be next trend first signal therefore firstly watched today.

As was cautioned same happened and Nifty could not sustain above 8438 as well as closed within already mentioned range(8405-8438) at 8,425.90

Firstly selling at higher levels and after that follow up selling today therefore above mentioned selling ranges will immediate resistances of Nifty and expected that Nifty will slip below today lowest(8,407.25) as well as very Short Term correction will be seen in the coming sessions. 

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(18-11-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (17-Nov-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Consolidation between 8349-8372 
2- Bearish Rising Wedge formations in last hour between 8405-8438
3- Whole day actual trading between 8349-8438

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although strong recovery from lower levels after good consolidations between 8349-8372 but Bearish Rising Wedge formation also seen in last hour therefore firstly some more consolidation is firstly required for strong rally above today highest.

Nifty was sideways between 8291-8415 and this range was broken out today but Bearish Rising Wedge formations was also seen therefore break out confirmation is must through sustaining above 8415/8438

As sustaining beyond 8405-8438 will be next trend first signal therefore firstly watched today.

Mid-session Outlook(17-11-2014)

As selling between 8368-8415 in last 3 sessions therefore following line was told yesterday in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(17-11-2014):-

correction is expected below 8368 in the coming sessions

As was told yesterday 100% same happened today and Nifty slipped below 8368 as well as today lowest formation at this moment is at 8349.10.

All the Outlooks of last 3 sessions are live proofs of this fact that we are posting only Bearish views from 12-11-2014 and since then up moves were not seen and down moves are being seen today. 

Last 8 sessions trading between 8290-8415 and Nifty is preparing for next decisive moves within this range. As both higher levels selling and lower levels buying patterns formations within this range therefore Nifty will remain sideways within this range and prepare for next trend.

As some consolidation seen between 8349-8352 today therefore firstly this range should be watched for first signal of on going very Short Term Correction completion.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(17-11-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (14-Nov-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 8373-8389
2- Whole day actual trading between 8347-8400

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Selling patterns formations between following ranges in last 3 sessions:-

1- On  12-11-2014- 8395-8415
2- On  13-11-2014- 8368-8402 
3- On  14-11-2014- 8373-8389 

Selling between 8368-8415 in last 3 sessions and following up selling was seen last Friday also therefore correction is expected below 8368 in the coming sessions despite closing near the higher levels of the day on 14-11-2014.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(14-11-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (13-Nov-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 8368-8402 in first 5 hours
2- Whole day actual trading between 8321-8402

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Following line was told at 04:52 PM on 12-11-2014 in Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(13-11-2014):-

good selling was seen between 8395-8415 therefore this range will work as 1st resistance 

As was told 100% same happened and:

1- 8395-8415 proved strong resistance on 13-11-2014 
2- Nifty could not move above it,
3- Nifty slipped below 8395 sharply and 
4- Nifty made lowest formation at 8320.35

As follow up good selling seen in first 5 hours on 13-11-2014 therefore correction continuation will be seen and until complete consolidation will not be seen till then Nifty will not sustain above following resistance ranges:-

1- 8368-8402
2- 8395-8415

Nifty is sideways between 8291-8415 and now correction continuation within this range will be considered as well as sustaining beyond this range next decisive moves confirmation. It must be kept in mind that until complete consolidation will not happen till then Nifty will not move above 8415.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(13-11-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (12-Nov-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 8395-8415
2- Whole day actual trading between 8371-8415

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Last 5 sessions sideways market between 8291-8383 and this range was broken out today but without required force and good selling was seen between 8395-8415 therefore this range will work as 1st resistance and until complete consolidation will not be seen till then Nifty will not sustain above 8415. As good consolidation and supports above 8291 in previous 5 sessions therefore Nifty will be understood sideways between 8291-8415 and sustaining beyond this range next decisive moves confirmation.

Indian markets are most Bullish and all trends are up as well as until complete selling patterns will not develop on EOD charts till then Short Term Correction will not be considered. As oscillators are overbought therefore Very short Term or intraday correction may be seen any day after few hours selling or profit booking as well as only such type of correction may be seen after higher levels good selling today.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(12-11-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (11-Nov-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Selling between 8362-8379 
2- Consolidation between 8321-8344 
3- Whole day actual trading between 8379-8321

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although selling immediately after opening but lower levels good consolidation also therefore up moves with new life time high formation are expected because lower levels good consolidation seen in last 5 sessions sideways market between 8291-8383.

Technical Analysis and Market Outlook(11-11-2014)

Nifty-Intra Day Chart (10-Nov-2014):-
Just click on chart for its enlarged view
Technical Patterns and Formations in today intraday charts

1- Consolidation between 8305-8328
2- Mixed Patterns between 8330-8450 in last hour
3- Whole day actual trading between 8305-8383

Conclusions from intra day chart analysis 

Although mixed Patterns between 8330-8450 in last hour but lower levels good supports with consolidations patterns formations also therefore possibility of rally continuation above last 4 days highest(8383) is still but follow up consolidation is must.

Mid-session Outlook(10-11-2014)

Following line was told today at 09:05 AM in Technical Analysis,Research & Weekly Outlook(Nov 10 to Nov 14,2014):-

Nifty will firstly trade and prepare for next decisive moves within the trading range of previous week(8291-8365)

As was told 100% same happened and most time trading within this range today. As lower levels supports with consolidations patterns formations today therefore finally rally is expected above last 3 days highest(8365) in the coming sessions.